I am 19 and was born in 1993.
Come at me.
Lets Just say before March 31 I could of as I was stationed near Tacoma, WA so I was Pretty Much 30 Minutes away from where you are on a good day of traffic. (Yes Most in WA drive with their heads up their asses)
Now I see what kind of attitude you have and it suites You very well, I was 19 going on 20 in 2004 just FYI.
With Age Comes Wisdom. To me you're too blind and hot headed and cocky, being hot headed and cocky will lead you to making mistakes in a fight thus losing it.
Take that as a lesson before getting into a fight with anyone because you will bite off more than you can chew. Thus you can get really maimed/killed. I also don't make it a priority to fight anyone less I have no other choice, unless if my life or those that I love are in danger.
Anyways In all Honestly Majority of customers will not like this Idea because they will flood to other companies- that allow you to pay less for a game. With the World Economy in Shambles people will look for cheaper games.
I recall Genesis/Super Nintendo games running for 50 bux brand new and I was in Blockbuster/ Hollywood Video/FuncoLand (Yes Before they became Gaystop) to look for the same game that was 100 percent functional for less (thats how I got some great games for that console without breaking bank) I even got the Model 1 and Model 2 Genesis from FuncoLand with all my games that way.
Now if a Used game and a New Game are the same price after the newgame had a price slash Ill go for it of course.