after two time i see that nonsense... i can't help ... A mid end R9 290 doesn't exist : it's a high end, and there is no low end, mid end, high end for one model of GPU, also even on Stock OC from a custom model, a 290 will allways be above a 770 be it for a small %, and OC isnt that complicated now with the "power limit" you set it to 50% (or less ... ) you push the core/mem to 25-50mhz more you test the stability, rinse and repeat
I know a ''mid end 290'' doesn't exist. It's a way of talking. What I wanted to say was a gtx 770 with a high base clock and a excellent cooler and more Vram vs a r9 290 decent stock speed and cooler. But anyways it doesn't matter since you answered my question.
And when overclocking, is there a noticeable difference with the heat/noise or with the power consumption? I'm kinda worried on this point.
But as you said, Newegg isn't the best price examples for him anyway, cuz he don't trust em for some reason.
As far as AMD vs Nvidia in general, it's really hard to predict which will be the better to go with. They both have their pluses and minuses and both seem to be waffling lately. I was really pleased with my $330 purchase on my 7970 for a yr or two, and it came with 3 decent games, but lately there's a lot of top games it doesn't do as well with as I'd like. The problem is, it's sometimes hard to tell whether it's mostly game coding, endorsement favoring, bad drivers, drivers that are written more for newer models than older models, etc. The latter is what I experienced a lot with my last ATI/AMD cards, then they up and relegated them to Legacy support. Nvidia's drivers in the past have always worked longer for older models, and it's looking like more of the same now maybe.
One of the things I'm waiting to find out is if Nvidia will increase the VRAM on high end Maxwells. I'd like to see 4GB.
Newegg is fine since I can equalize their prices with a price policy.
And do you think we will get some news about Maxwell before the end of this summer? I'll try to see if I can wait a bit more. But from what I've read on another thread, people seem to think that be a big difference.