The problem is Nvidia completely changed the ranks of what is low, mid, high, and ridiculous range.
Right now we only have an announcement of graphics cards for $550, $750, $1000, $2000, with no clear date of the rest of the range. And based on previous generation, not really much focus there. So PC Glorious Master Race starts above the price of gaming console, PlayStation 5, and that’s just for the GPU, far from the whole system?
And sure, Nvidia focuses a lot of their marketing on how x90 cards are made for actual work. But at the same time they waste no breath to clearly show it as the top of the line of Gaming range, call it “a beast”, exaggerate on how much faster it is from the rest of the range…
And by cutting the x80 range more and more, we’re now at roughly 50% down from RTX 5090, we even get into ridiculous situations like with RTX 4080 and 4090, where reviewers concluded that RTX 4080 was a bad value compared to previous generation, for 50% more cash you got less than 50% improvement, but the value got better if you stretched your spending from $1200 to $1600?
What will be the conclusion this time, if RTX 5080 really barely outpaces RTX 4080 in raster, but RTX 5090 offers a clear upgrade, being the only card in lineup with more than 50% performance increase compared to previous generation? “Don’t bother with the lower end?”
Nvidia knows how to play their game.