Great review!
some thought...
1) The Fast Sync latency slide does not make sense. How is the VSYNC ON latency so big on this picture, whereas normally... on 60Hz monitor ... the maximum it could be is 2x what the VSYNC OFF latency (16.67) is, so ... ... 33.33ms max. Why on the slide it shows 88ms+ did they count with some 5 pre-rendered frames? Nobody does that. Max pre-rendered frames should never ever be more than 1.
2) For me surprising was HDR inclusion... since I have only read about AMD HDR hype and NVidia was rather quiet about it. Glad to see they also decided to add this.

3) I am slightly sad how they implemented the FastSync or more precicely, I would love, when they added another "mode" to VSYNC, that tries to sync GPU frames output to static sync display by predicting when to start rendering next frame ahead of time instead of bruteforcing maximum frames out of GPU.
4) Really sad about no mention from NVIDIA about VESA Adaptive Sync support. Nvidia must hate us :-(
5) SMP is cool feature...
6) Ansel is just gimmick for most of us.