They know they've lost the next generation even after:
- Jacking the power up to ~600 watts or more on the 4090 and still losing.
- Lying about 5nm being a 4nm by manipulating "refined 5nm" in to "4nm".
- They don't have multiple-chip design because they got really comfortable selling to hashers who have never picked up a mining axe in their lives.
- Releasing early would "compound our graphics leadership" to fool people who treat technology corporations like their local and regional sports teams.
- Releasing another card during the Radeon RX 7000 series launch "to increase our performance leadership...over ourselves".
- They only open-sourced part of their Linux drivers because the hackers released them a month ago and they wanted to wait long enough for people to conveniently forget.
- They lied about "hash limiting" and then gave the quiet nod to hashers by releasing a "beta drivers" for the hashers to learn from in a flat-out lie to make it look like they weren't literally lying in all of their public relations.
If there is something that Nvidia can do to manipulate people they straight up will. AMD is far from perfect though I've never seen them go out of their way to actually screw consumers over.
Do you have a special RSS feed or something to warn you whenever you need to repost that or some other bottom-barrel video in some Nvidia or AMD GPU topic?
You barely ever post except for some of this fanboy shit.
Nvidia really doesn't need these things, they seem perfectly capable of creating their own issues

And neither does AMD, because they went MCM without your help.
These companies move in wild directions with or without all the nonsense people post about them. Nvidia, AMD, Intel.... same shit different colors.
So these shitlists are pointless. In every time of chip development there is a design win and a design that is yesterday's news. That goes for Intel's Quad that first dominated AMD's pseudo octa's and then got sundered by Ryzen's chiplets. It goes for CUDA that swallowed anything AMD in the GPU department whole and now RTX where Nvidia has a headstart on doing a similar move in gaming, albeit on monolithic dies while again the Zen treatment is moving to GPU. There is an actual choice now in GPU land, its pretty unique really and companies can lie all they want, the results count now and consumers can see it because certain tech will simply work or not work proper.
ALL companies manipulate however they can and try to get away with it, because you can't win every design round. Let's consider AMD's control over console and therefore a vast portion of the PC gaming market as a result of it. There is no question they're pushing buttons there and why do you think Nvidia pushed those refreshed Amperes with improved VRAM? Exactly - they had to as consoles carried more and games started using it quite a bit earlier than expected. We can identify a lot more of that nonsense if we really want to...
How about a comprimise? I want to be a happy gamer.
But thats prolly asking too much.
Go in with lower expectations