The 4080 will not run at more than 1.075v unless you manually unlock voltage control, so in that graph you'll top out at 2745 MHz as seen here in the review:
While you will get additional efficiency by running at a lower voltage and clock speed, the real efficiency comes from overclocking to about +200 MHz and then flattening the top of that graph.
IMO the 2 best places to do that are generally at 0.95 - 1.00 V (for efficiency with stock performance) and then the lowest voltage your GPU runs at (for max efficiency and still good performance). Again from the review the 4080 Super runs at a minimum of 0.905 V (VSync line):
View attachment 364793
Looking at your graph:
0.905 V is at about 2200 MHz, or 2400 MHz when you apply the +200 MHz overclock
1.000 V is at about 2550 MHz, or 2745 MHz when you apply the +200 MHz overclock.
Note how that 1.00 V clock is also the card's max typical clock speed. But you'll be using about 20% less power at 1.00 V
I do the same on my 4060 Ti (160W GPU) but the numbers are different as it's minimum running voltage is 0.86v, so I typically run at:
2400 MHz 0.86 V, 105W max
2715 MHz 0.95 V, 125W max
Also OCing your VRAM is essentially free performance as it adds a watt or 3 to the total and can deliver 5% more fps, scene-dependent. Mine is OC'd from 2250 to 2600 MHz. My favorite VRAM tester is Time Spy Graphics test 2. While there may be a better VRAM test, I have found on 20+ GPUs that if it's stable with no artifacts in that test, it's been 100% stable in every game I play.