Looks like the upper part of the line-up is coming into focus
5070 $600 250W Slightly higher perforamance than 4070 Super
5070 Ti $800 300W Slightly higher performance than 4070 Ti Super
5080 $1000 400W Slightly higher performance than 4080 Super
5090 $2000 600W 40% higher performance than 4090
Nothing too exciting given the same 4 nm die process except for the 5090. I have no idea how this thing is going to work at 600W if your rig isn't perfectly up to snuff.
As for the lower part of the line-up, Nvidia is definitely waiting to see how Battlemage and RNDA4 performs.
Nothing too exciting except RTX 5090 which will be crazy expensive - maybe $4000 for the GB202 die that is 744 mm^2. That is at the reticle size limit!

The good news is that AMD will have a chance to survive after this, because the RTX 5000 will be mostly not worthy to buy..
RTX 4070 - 5888 shaders RTX 5070 - 6400 shaders
RTX 4070S - 7168 shaders
RTX 4070Ti - 7680 shaders
RTX 4070TiS - 8448 shaders RTX 5070Ti - 8960 shaders
RTX 4080 - 9728 shaders
RTX 4080S - 10240 shaders RTX 5080 - 10752 shaders
RTX 4090 - 16384 shaders RTX 5090 - 21760 shaders