No, Maxwell has 32 queues compared to the 128 from AMD. Maxwell supports Async Compute but only chokes when too many commands are sent to it as has been explained in detail many times by renowned sources on the net.
Funny you link a site known for fud and rumors. Even further, the benchmarks they show don't even match. How is it the first set they showed has a 980ti (which beats the Fury X) running 76fps in DX12 @ 1080p (beats in all 3 resolutions too) but the other site shows 68? Furthermore the gap at 1440p for Fury X is higher between the two sites. Who to trust? I'll say nobody. Also, it's been mentioned extensively that DX12 in the game is buggy anyways, as the Computer Base site mentions. Finally, the game is an AMD title and I'd expect it to run better on AMD cards anyways. Of course, one set of benchmarks seems to show otherwise. As to the 390x beating the crap out of the Titan X, yea and I'd be willing to bet like every other site they aren't letting the card boost. An eVGA Titan X SC will boost easily to 1350 by itself which is close to the 980ti clockspeed they have which means Titan X and 980ti would be on top of the charts for the first set of benches shown. So no, anybody worth their salt that owns a Titan X will have performance actually higher than a 980ti, which would handily beat the 390x if the top set of charts are to be believed.
So you had an issue with 2 Nvidia setups and you want to spread BS? What happens when your precious AMD card dies? Are you going to make excuses to continue hating on Nvidia?

Get a grip dude. Your Toshiba laptop came out 11 years ago and you're still whining about it? And who the hell runs Surround on a 670 of all cards? Oh man, my 5770 Crossfire setup was screwed up even after 3 replacement cards because XFX kept giving me Rev B boards.
AMD drivers keep crashing when I test my 295x2 for performance figures for friends. Snap, I might as well hate on AMD and not consider their lineup this year against Pascal and cry about it a decade later.

The 970 has 4GB of usable VRAM. If you actually OWNED one of these cards you would know that all 4GB is addressable and actually doesn't hamper performance like all the BS misinformation on the net suggests. Want to know how I know? I have one sitting right behind me and have actually tested it for this very reason. Maybe if you took off your green glasses and stopped the fanboyism you'd see that your post here just sounds ridiculous.
Nvidia didn't bother putting a lot of effort into Maxwell regarding DX12 and DX12 features because they are meant to be DX11 1080p/1440p beasts, and that they are. Wait until Pascal is here, you'll see that very statement is beyond true.
The only thing that's a joke here is you and your post bud.