AI super sampling is the future. Get with it or move on. How long did it take a GPU to make 4k gaming above 60fps a possibility? How do you expect a GPU to push 16k without AI? It will take decades of process refinement. That's just not going to cut it when people already complain about the minor performance increase generation over generation.
If you dont like fake frames or fake resolution than you better quit gaming now because you will only see more and more of it in every generation for Nvidia and AMD.
Super sampling was meant to achieve better details at lower resolutions on powerfull enough cards or when mixing up detail options in games to come up with a good visual.
Frame gen is meant to be used if you already can get 60 fps .
Using tech to say look performance is great is like making a sleep car and saying look this Fiat 500 does 160mph without saying is only the shell of a Fiat 500.
Ai is a tool but using it this way and saying is progress when games are unoptimized by lazy peoples who lack the experience and knowledge to optimize is a giant cope.
Game engines used with auto tools because they give you an easy way to achieve an effect giving the idea there is no optimization to do and we get blurriness and fake performance tricks to hide all those artifacts so amazing

Another thing I like to point out is people don't know when some settings and filters options actually do and look at different resolutions depending on the game implementation.
At 4k you don't need fricking AA if the game uses good quality textures that fit the resolution and if the game is optimized properly to put the work on the gpu when is necessary.
I have been playing recently Forza Horizon 4 at 4k with everything maxed out motion blur off, no AA and everything else maxed on my 1080 ti and I have fixed with no drops 60fps . The game looks amazing and I could even turn down some options because it might be barely noticeable the change between ultra and high at 4k for some settings. Who said that at 4k you need to use certain maxed options?
Having the options doesn't mean you have to set everything cranked up and then say look it barely runs so we need to use this tool to make it run properly when it depends on how they made the settings and how they optimized the game.
In their own showcase using Cyberpunk as an example with a no dlss doing 30 and with multy frame 200 plus is a mega gimmick because at 4k Cyberpunk doesn't need AA and other options maxed out to look good.
Looks like their being dumb on purpose like they don't know how some options work and purposely push the idea of innovation when they give themselves tools to devs that make them do lazy jobs and then say look we made progress
RTX looks cool and all when is properly and well implemented but is it really necessary in every game titles?
No but their pushing it like is the fricking godsend like they did back in the day with Physx and 3D and was just a show off feature.
If you clap your hands for all this Ai use to be only used more by incompetent and lazy devs your're the problem with how so many new games sell when they don't deserve the money they ask.
This is the same with the Ps5 Pro trying so hard to justify its existence when is the same bs.