Err.. wat? GFE is just a neat little program that downloads recommended game settings (based on your GPU config) and lets you apply them, and a neat little GPU-powered game recorder and streaming utility. No ads whatsoever, unless you consider it's support for twitch/youtube streaming to be an ad for twitch/youtube....
Wow, so now I have a program to automatically put settings to what it thinks is best... It doesn't even make changes on the actually big out-of-menu options that many games have. Not to mention the game recorder and streaming utility are pretty pathetic compared to something like OBS, which can also use NVenc (thanks nvidia for that one

Not saying that I'd use any AMD equivalent either...
These programs are just pathetic excuses for them not to fix the horribly out of date driver config menu.
Not to mention how much I loathe auto updates...
In the middle of a tournament match? AUTO UPDATE
In the middle of an interesting video or stream? AUTO UPDATE
In the middle of some important work? YOUR UPDATE HAS BEEN INSTALLED: RESTART NOW
There are many programs guilty for this, and GFE is one of them. What about if I just don't want to update every WHQL cycle?
I have 32GB RAM, I don't care how much stuff it runs there, but to be honest, NVIDIA Experience thingie is not the fastest thing on Earth. It takes forever to open and I have tons of RAM and hybrid SSD system and yet it still takes long to load.
I also don't see the app useful. I don't want it fiddling with my graphic settings of games. I run all of them at max possible settings, I don't want it "optimizing" stuff and making it worse. So, there is no real value from it for me.
Exactly, if I need to optimize stuff for any reason I can do it far better myself than any program can. Same goes for these auto OC things, especially with intel pushing past 4GHz stock on many of their CPUs...
I'd love to see incrimental driver updating like antiviruses are doing for decades (small updates of only file sthat actually changed) with simple control panel to rollback to old driver or even option to rollback to any other previous version. That would be so cool.
This way they could save tons of bandwidth, deliver updates to users in matter of minutes and give them instant option to rollback to old version if something doesn't work ok. It's how driver updating and game profiles should be done in freaking 2015.
+1 for that, should be implemented in a lot of things, for example google play applications for android.
I don't think it's neat. The reason I uninstalled it was
1) I didn't really need its features
2) I found 3.3GB drive cache in its folder and there's no option in GFE to clear cache
This "cache" is for all geforce drivers, when you open the installer it opens an un-zip (or whatever compression they use) thing which puts everything in a "cache" but doesn't get rid of it after installation.
I work on computers that have NVIDIA cards. This is going to needlessly complicate installing drivers.
Additionally, what about corporate? Tesla? Quadro? IT is going to be pissed.
AMD CCC notifies of new drivers available but does little more than that--as it should be. What is NVIDIA's motive for doing this? It literally takes a few minutes to build a driver package. They aren't saving much/anything by forcing everyone to use GeForce Experience.
Don't see why corporate would want this, other than for applying updates over a large array of workstations. But I doubt GFE uses any kind of caching system for P2P so it reduces network load...
There are probably programs to remote install this kind of thing across multiple machines anyway.
What pisses me off is that they are FORCING GFE. I've tried using GFE, but it is a really clunky program to be fair and I have no use for it... So I download and install manually on my own update schedule.
I've already stated I use GE specifically for ShadowPlay, frankly if something like GE is capable of bringing a system down to it's knees I would suggest you need to address certain issues with that system.
I've never been one to bandwagon on these hate trains. I've never had my own AMD card to be fair, but I think NV really needs to back off with the BS, especially after the Samsung fiasco...