So first, it was Nvidia crippled/hobbled "their" software to make their GPU's look better, then it was Nvidia didn't "fix" the software they inherited from Ageia, then it's Nvidia didn't fix it fast enough... seriously?Oh my. Here we go again.
Well I checked the date. SDK 3.0 came out in June 2011. I guess programmers also need time to learn it and implement it, so games using it came out when? Probably when hardware PhysX was clear that wasn't meant to became a standard.
Ageia got multiple developers to do exactly what you're saying they couldn't do, have you done any research on this?Ageia didn't had the connections, money, power to enforce that. So even if they wanted to do that, they couldn't. Also PPUs where not something that people where rushing to buy, so developers wouldn't cripple the game for 99% of their customers, just to make 1% happy. Nvidia was a totally different beast. And they did try to enforce physics on their GPUs. You are NOT reading or you just pretend to not read what I post.
Again, Nvidia completely supported porting GPU PhysX to Radeons.

Nvidia Helping Modders Port PhysX Engine to ATI Radeon
Remember those modders from NGOHQ who were swolling out ATI's Radeon graphics cards with Nvidia's PhysX physics engine? Surprise, Nvidia loves the idea of
You've made claims like Nvidia designed the CPU portion of PhysX to make the GPU portion look better, which is impossible because the CPU portion was written before GPUs were even part of the equation and was not even "designed" by Nvidia in the first place. When I pointed this out, did you clarify or correct your claim... no you just moved on to more falsities. Are you saying that wasn't intentional?It seems that you are a waste of time after all. What you don't like is not a lie. I could call you also a liar. But I am not 5 years old.
I come on. You keep posting like a 5 years old. I am just bored to post the parts of your posts where you make assumptions about what I think, what I mean, where I intentionally lie.
You seemingly not reading the prior posts so as to easily put together what I meant by "you guys" is me.... rejecting reality? You're not even making sense anymore.You do reject reality. As for ignorance, it's your bliss.
It was already discussed before. Nvidia tried to extended their technology to AMD's products but AMD said no way, go to hell, we are backing Intel... so Nvidia said no YOU go to hell and locked out their products in response. Check the dates, AMD acted in bad faith first by stringing Eran Badit and consumers along and then sinking the whole thing. Nvidia supporting the porting effort directly contradicts the core of your notions.So you had nothing to say here.