Hello guys, I am very new here, I just brought a cheap card from a closing farm, seems on good condition, the dust on it was minimal, even the thermal paste is still gummy (obviously changed it
). I connected to my PC and dump the current BIOS and information using atiflash_293, by the way had to copy AMDVBFlashDriverInstaller.exe from amdvbflash_win_5.0.567.zip and install the driver before atiflash_293 start working.
This is the result of the process
C:\ATI>AMDVBFlashDriverInstaller.exe -i
AMDVBFlash Driver Installer & Uninstaller by W1zzard @ TechPowerUp
AMD Tools Driver has been installed successfully
** IMPORTANT **: Once you are finished with flashing, make sure to uninstall the AMD VBFlash drivers using this utility.
C:\ATI>amdvbflash.exe -i
adapter bn dn fn dID asic flash romsize test bios p/n
======= == == == ==== =============== ============== ======= ==== ==============
0 01 00 00 67DF Polaris10 M25P20/c 40000 pass 113-4E353WU-O67
C:\ATI>amdvbflash.exe -ai
Adapter 0 (BN=01, DN=00, FN=00, PCIID=00001002, SSID=0000E353)
Asic Family : Polaris10
Flash Type : M25P20/c (256 KB)
Product Name is : E353 Polaris20 XTX A1 GDDR5 256Mx32 8GB
Bios Config File: 353Y6HAJ.O67
Bios P/N is : 113-4E353WU-O67
Bios Version :
Bios Date is : 07/19/18 04:49
Image 1 -- Offset 0x0
ROM header contents:
Signature 0xAA55
PCIR offset 0x0258
PCI Data Structure
Signature PCIR
Vendor ID 0x1002
Device ID 0x67DF
PCI Revision 0x00
Image size 0xEC00
Code revision 0x0F32
Indicator 0x00 (Not last image)
Code type 0x00 (PCAT Image)
Legacy BIOS File Name 353Y6HAJ.O67
Legacy BIOS Part Number 113-4E353WU-O67
Legacy BIOS Build Number 424908
Legacy BIOS Change List 1582656
Binary BIOS_IDTF 0xE4134172
ByteCheckSum 0
Image 2 -- Offset 0xEC00
ROM header contents:
Signature 0xAA55
PCIR offset 0x001C
PCI Data Structure
Signature PCIR
Vendor ID 0x1002
Device ID 0x67DF
PCI Revision 0x00
Image size 0xE600
Code revision 0x0000
Indicator 0x80 (last image)
Code type 0x03 (EFI Image)
EFI Signature 0x0EF1
Compression Type 0x0001 (compressed)
Machine type 0x8664 (X64)
Subsystem 0x000B (EFI boot service driver)
EFI image offset 0x0058 (abs: 0xEC58)
UefiSourceRevision GOP AMD REV: x.x.x.x.x
UefiSourceChangeList xxxx
UefiBiosBuildNumber xxxx
Dump Gop Driver Info:
Machine type code X64
The GOP Driver appears to be Authenticode signed.
Size Of Gop Image 97472 (95 KB)
GOP Driver Name: AMD GOP X64 Release Driver Rev. 23 2018.17:50:07
GOP AMD_Build 2035
GOP AMD_CL 1545325
GOP Driver does not carry tables!
The labels on the side of the card are:
So far seems what the actual firmware on the card is the one published on
https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/208710/sapphire-rx580-8192-180719, I downloaded from that URL and is identical bit to bit with my dump.
That URL have some others "Compatible" ROMs but all of them are from 2017 prior to the one on my card.
Can you please help me to find the latest BIOS for my card and / or how to identify which are the correct BIOS for my card on the database (
Thank you so much.