- Joined
- Sep 8, 2022
- Messages
- 32 (0.03/day)
Working with Tesla P100 wanting to flash QuadroGP100.What card is this ?
I'll post info from CMD window let me know if you think it is okay to type YES.
Edit: Didn't work.
C:\Users\GPU\Downloads\OMGVflash>omgvflash.exe --protectoff
NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.780.0)
Copyright (C) 1993-2022, NVIDIA Corporation. Veii Extreme Edition
Select a display adapter:
<0> Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB (10DE,15F8,10DE,118F) S:00,B:01,D:00,F:00
<1> NVIDIA TITAN X (Pascal) (10DE,1B00,1028,119A) S:00,B:02,D:00,F:00
Select a number (ESC to quit):
Setting EEPROM protection complete.
C:\Users\GPU\Downloads\OMGVflash>omgvflash.exe -6 --index=0 QuadroGP100.rom
NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.780.0)
Copyright (C) 1993-2022, NVIDIA Corporation. Veii Extreme Edition
Checking for matches between display adapter(s) and image(s)...
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible PCI Device ID's
match the PCI Device ID of the adapter.
Adapter PCI Device ID: 15F8
Firmware image PCI Device ID: 15F0
WARNING: Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.11C3)
does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.118F).
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible Board ID's
match the Board ID of the adapter.
Adapter Board ID: EC3F
Firmware image Board ID: EC43
Downgrading/Sidegrading firwmare detected.
(This is usually only needed for very special circumstances.)
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Downgrade/Sidegrade is permitted.
GPU PCI Device ID override detected.
(This is usually only needed for very special circumstances.)
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Overriding the GPU PCI Device ID mismatch.
You are intending to override PCI Subsystem ID.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Press 'y' to confirm (any other key to abort): Y
Overriding the PCI Subsystem ID mismatch.
Board ID override detected.
*** WARNING: Overriding the Board ID can be very dangerous. ***
Upgrading to an image with the wrong Board ID might cause this system
to become or unstable.
Overriding the Board ID is only needed for extreme circumstances.
A mismatched Board ID almost always means the wrong firmware image is
being used for the specific switch.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Overriding the Board ID mismatch.
Current - Version:86.00.4D.00.01 ID:10DE:15F8:10DE:118F
GP100 Board (Normal Board)
Replace with - Version:86.00.4D.00.04 ID:10DE:15F0:10DE:11C3
GP100 Board (Normal Board)
Update display adapter firmware?
Press 'y' to confirm (any other key to abort):
Nothing changed!
NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.780.0)
Copyright (C) 1993-2022, NVIDIA Corporation. Veii Extreme Edition
Select a display adapter:
<0> Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB (10DE,15F8,10DE,118F) S:00,B:01,D:00,F:00
<1> NVIDIA TITAN X (Pascal) (10DE,1B00,1028,119A) S:00,B:02,D:00,F:00
Select a number (ESC to quit):
Setting EEPROM protection complete.
C:\Users\GPU\Downloads\OMGVflash>omgvflash.exe -6 --index=0 QuadroGP100.rom
NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.780.0)
Copyright (C) 1993-2022, NVIDIA Corporation. Veii Extreme Edition
Checking for matches between display adapter(s) and image(s)...
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible PCI Device ID's
match the PCI Device ID of the adapter.
Adapter PCI Device ID: 15F8
Firmware image PCI Device ID: 15F0
WARNING: Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.11C3)
does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.118F).
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible Board ID's
match the Board ID of the adapter.
Adapter Board ID: EC3F
Firmware image Board ID: EC43
Downgrading/Sidegrading firwmare detected.
(This is usually only needed for very special circumstances.)
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Downgrade/Sidegrade is permitted.
GPU PCI Device ID override detected.
(This is usually only needed for very special circumstances.)
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Overriding the GPU PCI Device ID mismatch.
You are intending to override PCI Subsystem ID.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Press 'y' to confirm (any other key to abort): Y
Overriding the PCI Subsystem ID mismatch.
Board ID override detected.
*** WARNING: Overriding the Board ID can be very dangerous. ***
Upgrading to an image with the wrong Board ID might cause this system
to become or unstable.
Overriding the Board ID is only needed for extreme circumstances.
A mismatched Board ID almost always means the wrong firmware image is
being used for the specific switch.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Overriding the Board ID mismatch.
Current - Version:86.00.4D.00.01 ID:10DE:15F8:10DE:118F
GP100 Board (Normal Board)
Replace with - Version:86.00.4D.00.04 ID:10DE:15F0:10DE:11C3
GP100 Board (Normal Board)
Update display adapter firmware?
Press 'y' to confirm (any other key to abort):
Nothing changed!
This is what I got with -L con.
C:\Users\GPU\Downloads\OMGVflash>OMGVflash -6 QuadroGP100.rom -L con
NVIDIA driver is not present
NVIDIA driver is not present
Command-line : -6 QuadroGP100.rom -L con
NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.780.0)
Copyright (C) 1993-2022, NVIDIA Corporation. Veii Extreme Edition
NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.780.0)
Copyright (C) 1993-2022, NVIDIA Corporation. Veii Extreme Edition
Command: flash
Device:0000:01:00:00=10DE:15F8:10DE:118F GPU
Device:0000:02:00:00=10DE:1B00:1028:119A GPU
Filter-out on-motherboard PLX bridge device.
No PLX/PEX switch was detected, skip to filter-out non-NVIDIA PLX/PEX switch.
Checking for matches between display adapter(s) and image(s)...
Testing adapter: Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB (10DE,15F8,10DE,118F) S:00,B:01,D:00,F:00
Disable NV driver before start if NV driver loaded.
Adapter: Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB (10DE,15F8,10DE,118F) S:00,B:01,D:00,F:00
Identify EEPROM.
Action: Identify EEPROM.
uproc 05 ucode is not found for this GPU.
uproc 04 ready to be used.
Preparing secure operation after kicked start.
Actual SPI clock frequency (Hz): 16666667
Serial EEPROM identified.
EEPROM ID (EF,6013) : WBond W25Q40EW 1.65-1.95V 4096Kx1S, page
Action: Identify EEPROM.
Serial EEPROM identified.
EEPROM ID (EF,6013) : WBond W25Q40EW 1.65-1.95V 4096Kx1S, page
Action: Read EEPROM image.
Reading EEPROM bytes.
Start: 0x00000000
Count: 524288(0x00080000)
Read complete.=====================================] 100 %
Flash Status ledger is not present.
Testing Image: QuadroGP100.rom
IFR image mode
Invalid OTA signed VBIOS firmware image.
Current - Parsed Production VBIOS version: 86.00.4D.00.01
Replace with - Parsed Production VBIOS version: 86.00.4D.00.04
Mismatch Type: Computed: 0x00030207
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible PCI Device ID's
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible PCI Device ID's
match the PCI Device ID of the adapter.
match the PCI Device ID of the adapter.
Adapter PCI Device ID: 15F8
Adapter PCI Device ID: 15F8
Firmware image PCI Device ID: 15F0
Firmware image PCI Device ID: 15F0
WARNING: Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.11C3)
WARNING: Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.11C3)
does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.118F).
does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.118F).
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible Board ID's
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible Board ID's
match the Board ID of the adapter.
match the Board ID of the adapter.
Adapter Board ID: EC3F
Adapter Board ID: EC3F
Firmware image Board ID: EC43
Firmware image Board ID: EC43
Downgrading/Sidegrading firwmare detected.
(This is usually only needed for very special circumstances.)
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Downgrading/Sidegrading firwmare detected.
(This is usually only needed for very special circumstances.)
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Downgrade/Sidegrade is permitted.
Downgrade/Sidegrade is permitted.
GPU PCI Device ID override detected.
(This is usually only needed for very special circumstances.)
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
GPU PCI Device ID override detected.
(This is usually only needed for very special circumstances.)
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Overriding the GPU PCI Device ID mismatch.
Overriding the GPU PCI Device ID mismatch.
You are intending to override PCI Subsystem ID.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Press 'y' to confirm (any other key to abort):
You are intending to override PCI Subsystem ID.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Press 'y' to confirm (any other key to abort): Y
Overriding the PCI Subsystem ID mismatch.
Overriding the PCI Subsystem ID mismatch.
Board ID override detected.
*** WARNING: Overriding the Board ID can be very dangerous. ***
Upgrading to an image with the wrong Board ID might cause this system
to become or unstable.
Overriding the Board ID is only needed for extreme circumstances.
A mismatched Board ID almost always means the wrong firmware image is
being used for the specific switch.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Board ID override detected.
*** WARNING: Overriding the Board ID can be very dangerous. ***
Upgrading to an image with the wrong Board ID might cause this system
to become or unstable.
Overriding the Board ID is only needed for extreme circumstances.
A mismatched Board ID almost always means the wrong firmware image is
being used for the specific switch.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Overriding the Board ID mismatch.
Overriding the Board ID mismatch.
Mismatch Type: Adjusted: 0x00000000
Match found.
Current - Version:86.00.4D.00.01 ID:10DE:15F8:10DE:118F
GP100 Board (Normal Board)
Current - Version:86.00.4D.00.01 ID:10DE:15F8:10DE:118F
GP100 Board (Normal Board)
Replace with - Version:86.00.4D.00.04 ID:10DE:15F0:10DE:11C3
GP100 Board (Normal Board)
Replace with - Version:86.00.4D.00.04 ID:10DE:15F0:10DE:11C3
GP100 Board (Normal Board)
Update display adapter firmware?
Press 'y' to confirm ('s' to skip, 'a' to abort):
Action: Flash image.
Action: Identify EEPROM.
Serial EEPROM identified.
EEPROM ID (EF,6013) : WBond W25Q40EW 1.65-1.95V 4096Kx1S, page
Action: Read EEPROM image.
Reading EEPROM bytes.
Start: 0x00000000
Count: 524288(0x00080000)
Read complete.=====================================] 100 %
Flash Status ledger is not present.
InfoROM Release Level: 0x03(Current) v.s.0x03(File)
InfoROM Release Version: H400.0500.01.04(Current) v.s. H400.0500.01.04(File)
Preserve OBD in IR block for default processing INFOROM_FLASH_TYPE_PRODUCT_ANY_TO_PRODUCT_POPULATED per absence of obdnopreserve.
Preserve IB for default processing INFOROM_FLASH_TYPE_PRODUCT_ANY_TO_PRODUCT_POPULATED per absence of obdnopreserve.
Preserve License image...
Preserve InfoROM Backup (IB) block from the source vbios in EEPROM.
Preserve InfoROM OBD object...
Succeed to preserve InfoROM OBD.
Preserve InfoROM OEM object...
Succeed to preserve InfoROM OEM object.
Preserve InfoROM PBL object...
Skip to preserve InfoROM PBL data for EEPROM does not have PBL data.
Final PCI expansion ROM size is 50688(0xC600) bytes
Appending InfoROM to the PCI ROM chain...
Final InfoROM Offset = 0x00037600 ( Absolute Offset 0x00038000)
InfoROM Offsets | ROMImage | InputAlt | Final |
NBSI OpRom Offset | 0x037400 | 0x000000 | 0x037400 |
NPDS Struct Offset | 0x037420 | 0x000020 | 0x037420 |
NPDE Offset | 0x037440 | 0x000040 | 0x037440 |
NBSI DIR Offset | 0x037FE0 | 0x000FE0 | 0x037FE0 |
JFFS Offset | 0x038000 | 0x001000 | 0x038000 |
Delete the current InfoROM block from the target vbios image.
Num of Objects = 10
Num of RW Objects = 6
Size of image with dummy RO blocks = 2816
Final PCI expansion ROM size is 50688(0xC600) bytes
Appending InfoROM to the PCI ROM chain...
Final InfoROM Offset = 0x00037600 ( Absolute Offset 0x00038000)
InfoROM Offsets | ROMImage | InputAlt | Final |
NBSI OpRom Offset | 0x037400 | 0x000000 | 0x037400 |
NPDS Struct Offset | 0x037420 | 0x000020 | 0x037420 |
NPDE Offset | 0x037440 | 0x000040 | 0x037440 |
NBSI DIR Offset | 0x037FE0 | 0x000FE0 | 0x037FE0 |
JFFS Offset | 0x038000 | 0x001000 | 0x038000 |
Num of Objects = 10
Num of RW Objects = 6
Size of image with dummy RO blocks = 2816
Num of Objects = 10
Num of RW Objects = 6
Size of image with dummy RO blocks = 2816
Num of Objects = 10
Num of RW Objects = 6
Size of image with dummy RO blocks = 2816
Skip proceeding with preservation table for Pascal or newer chip.
EEPROM size: 00080000
Image size: 00043A00
Unused size: 0003C600
Filled size: 0003C600
BCRT: Start Certificate 2.0 verification
Send VV Command...
Cert info block will be finalized during flash process.
Program page Start: 0x00000000 Count: 0x0A00(2560)
Command id: 0x30000005 Command: NV_UCODE_CMD_COMMAND_EWR failed
Device ID in the rom image does not match the device ID in the chip.
Update aborted, please use a rom image that supports device ID 0x15F8.
Falcon CLOSE
EEPROM programming failed.
NOTE: Exception caught.
Nothing changed!
Nothing changed!
Exit Code: 4
NVIDIA driver is not present
NVIDIA driver is not present
Command-line : -6 QuadroGP100.rom -L con
NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.780.0)
Copyright (C) 1993-2022, NVIDIA Corporation. Veii Extreme Edition
NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.780.0)
Copyright (C) 1993-2022, NVIDIA Corporation. Veii Extreme Edition
Command: flash
Device:0000:01:00:00=10DE:15F8:10DE:118F GPU
Device:0000:02:00:00=10DE:1B00:1028:119A GPU
Filter-out on-motherboard PLX bridge device.
No PLX/PEX switch was detected, skip to filter-out non-NVIDIA PLX/PEX switch.
Checking for matches between display adapter(s) and image(s)...
Testing adapter: Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB (10DE,15F8,10DE,118F) S:00,B:01,D:00,F:00
Disable NV driver before start if NV driver loaded.
Adapter: Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB (10DE,15F8,10DE,118F) S:00,B:01,D:00,F:00
Identify EEPROM.
Action: Identify EEPROM.
uproc 05 ucode is not found for this GPU.
uproc 04 ready to be used.
Preparing secure operation after kicked start.
Actual SPI clock frequency (Hz): 16666667
Serial EEPROM identified.
EEPROM ID (EF,6013) : WBond W25Q40EW 1.65-1.95V 4096Kx1S, page
Action: Identify EEPROM.
Serial EEPROM identified.
EEPROM ID (EF,6013) : WBond W25Q40EW 1.65-1.95V 4096Kx1S, page
Action: Read EEPROM image.
Reading EEPROM bytes.
Start: 0x00000000
Count: 524288(0x00080000)
Read complete.=====================================] 100 %
Flash Status ledger is not present.
Testing Image: QuadroGP100.rom
IFR image mode
Invalid OTA signed VBIOS firmware image.
Current - Parsed Production VBIOS version: 86.00.4D.00.01
Replace with - Parsed Production VBIOS version: 86.00.4D.00.04
Mismatch Type: Computed: 0x00030207
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible PCI Device ID's
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible PCI Device ID's
match the PCI Device ID of the adapter.
match the PCI Device ID of the adapter.
Adapter PCI Device ID: 15F8
Adapter PCI Device ID: 15F8
Firmware image PCI Device ID: 15F0
Firmware image PCI Device ID: 15F0
WARNING: Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.11C3)
WARNING: Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.11C3)
does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.118F).
does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.118F).
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible Board ID's
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible Board ID's
match the Board ID of the adapter.
match the Board ID of the adapter.
Adapter Board ID: EC3F
Adapter Board ID: EC3F
Firmware image Board ID: EC43
Firmware image Board ID: EC43
Downgrading/Sidegrading firwmare detected.
(This is usually only needed for very special circumstances.)
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Downgrading/Sidegrading firwmare detected.
(This is usually only needed for very special circumstances.)
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Downgrade/Sidegrade is permitted.
Downgrade/Sidegrade is permitted.
GPU PCI Device ID override detected.
(This is usually only needed for very special circumstances.)
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
GPU PCI Device ID override detected.
(This is usually only needed for very special circumstances.)
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Overriding the GPU PCI Device ID mismatch.
Overriding the GPU PCI Device ID mismatch.
You are intending to override PCI Subsystem ID.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Press 'y' to confirm (any other key to abort):
You are intending to override PCI Subsystem ID.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Press 'y' to confirm (any other key to abort): Y
Overriding the PCI Subsystem ID mismatch.
Overriding the PCI Subsystem ID mismatch.
Board ID override detected.
*** WARNING: Overriding the Board ID can be very dangerous. ***
Upgrading to an image with the wrong Board ID might cause this system
to become or unstable.
Overriding the Board ID is only needed for extreme circumstances.
A mismatched Board ID almost always means the wrong firmware image is
being used for the specific switch.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Board ID override detected.
*** WARNING: Overriding the Board ID can be very dangerous. ***
Upgrading to an image with the wrong Board ID might cause this system
to become or unstable.
Overriding the Board ID is only needed for extreme circumstances.
A mismatched Board ID almost always means the wrong firmware image is
being used for the specific switch.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type "YES" to confirm (all caps):
Overriding the Board ID mismatch.
Overriding the Board ID mismatch.
Mismatch Type: Adjusted: 0x00000000
Match found.
Current - Version:86.00.4D.00.01 ID:10DE:15F8:10DE:118F
GP100 Board (Normal Board)
Current - Version:86.00.4D.00.01 ID:10DE:15F8:10DE:118F
GP100 Board (Normal Board)
Replace with - Version:86.00.4D.00.04 ID:10DE:15F0:10DE:11C3
GP100 Board (Normal Board)
Replace with - Version:86.00.4D.00.04 ID:10DE:15F0:10DE:11C3
GP100 Board (Normal Board)
Update display adapter firmware?
Press 'y' to confirm ('s' to skip, 'a' to abort):
Action: Flash image.
Action: Identify EEPROM.
Serial EEPROM identified.
EEPROM ID (EF,6013) : WBond W25Q40EW 1.65-1.95V 4096Kx1S, page
Action: Read EEPROM image.
Reading EEPROM bytes.
Start: 0x00000000
Count: 524288(0x00080000)
Read complete.=====================================] 100 %
Flash Status ledger is not present.
InfoROM Release Level: 0x03(Current) v.s.0x03(File)
InfoROM Release Version: H400.0500.01.04(Current) v.s. H400.0500.01.04(File)
Preserve OBD in IR block for default processing INFOROM_FLASH_TYPE_PRODUCT_ANY_TO_PRODUCT_POPULATED per absence of obdnopreserve.
Preserve IB for default processing INFOROM_FLASH_TYPE_PRODUCT_ANY_TO_PRODUCT_POPULATED per absence of obdnopreserve.
Preserve License image...
Preserve InfoROM Backup (IB) block from the source vbios in EEPROM.
Preserve InfoROM OBD object...
Succeed to preserve InfoROM OBD.
Preserve InfoROM OEM object...
Succeed to preserve InfoROM OEM object.
Preserve InfoROM PBL object...
Skip to preserve InfoROM PBL data for EEPROM does not have PBL data.
Final PCI expansion ROM size is 50688(0xC600) bytes
Appending InfoROM to the PCI ROM chain...
Final InfoROM Offset = 0x00037600 ( Absolute Offset 0x00038000)
InfoROM Offsets | ROMImage | InputAlt | Final |
NBSI OpRom Offset | 0x037400 | 0x000000 | 0x037400 |
NPDS Struct Offset | 0x037420 | 0x000020 | 0x037420 |
NPDE Offset | 0x037440 | 0x000040 | 0x037440 |
NBSI DIR Offset | 0x037FE0 | 0x000FE0 | 0x037FE0 |
JFFS Offset | 0x038000 | 0x001000 | 0x038000 |
Delete the current InfoROM block from the target vbios image.
Num of Objects = 10
Num of RW Objects = 6
Size of image with dummy RO blocks = 2816
Final PCI expansion ROM size is 50688(0xC600) bytes
Appending InfoROM to the PCI ROM chain...
Final InfoROM Offset = 0x00037600 ( Absolute Offset 0x00038000)
InfoROM Offsets | ROMImage | InputAlt | Final |
NBSI OpRom Offset | 0x037400 | 0x000000 | 0x037400 |
NPDS Struct Offset | 0x037420 | 0x000020 | 0x037420 |
NPDE Offset | 0x037440 | 0x000040 | 0x037440 |
NBSI DIR Offset | 0x037FE0 | 0x000FE0 | 0x037FE0 |
JFFS Offset | 0x038000 | 0x001000 | 0x038000 |
Num of Objects = 10
Num of RW Objects = 6
Size of image with dummy RO blocks = 2816
Num of Objects = 10
Num of RW Objects = 6
Size of image with dummy RO blocks = 2816
Num of Objects = 10
Num of RW Objects = 6
Size of image with dummy RO blocks = 2816
Skip proceeding with preservation table for Pascal or newer chip.
EEPROM size: 00080000
Image size: 00043A00
Unused size: 0003C600
Filled size: 0003C600
BCRT: Start Certificate 2.0 verification
Send VV Command...
Cert info block will be finalized during flash process.
Program page Start: 0x00000000 Count: 0x0A00(2560)
Command id: 0x30000005 Command: NV_UCODE_CMD_COMMAND_EWR failed
Device ID in the rom image does not match the device ID in the chip.
Update aborted, please use a rom image that supports device ID 0x15F8.
Falcon CLOSE
EEPROM programming failed.
NOTE: Exception caught.
Nothing changed!
Nothing changed!
Exit Code: 4
Last edited: