If it was $50, you'd be crying that it should be $20 and so on and so forth. Microsoft does not "deserve" to be pirated. They make a product that 99% of the planet has chosen to use. Contrary to your delusions, no one is being forced to use it. This is business, and business revolves around making money. Get over it.
I do agree that Vista does not deserve to be pirated and I do not encourage that. I am a computer programmer, so I am on their side.

But, I also took a lot of business classes in college, and I think that they charge way to much for their operating systems... especially since they limit each purchase to only one machine. Maybe a few times a year they could run a great special and hit the $70 range (no rebates please).
And now I will comment on your reply.
First off, I would never cry over software... I am to old for that.

I simply believe in getting good deals. Heck, I do not have the World of Warcraft expansion yet because I feel that $40 is too much to spend when I am already paying $13 a month. When the expansion is down to $20, then I will buy it.
Second... if Vista was only $50, I would have bought several of them. As of now, I am sticking with XP. So, Microsoft is not making any money from me. I would never expect them to sell an OS like that in the USA for $20... I probably couldn't even find a CD and key for Windows 2000 for that price. Although, I installed Ubuntu linux on one of my old PC's and it is really slick!! Best of all... it was free... well, I later donated $20 because I liked it so much, so it wasn't really free.
Third, I am not delusional... I am far from it. I am sorry if I struck a nerve with you, that was not my intent.
Lastly, I think that attacking people that post on these sites and calling them stupid/delusional/etc. only makes the forums less enjoyable. I respect your views and comments, but I really am less apt to post in the forums if I am personally blown away. Go ahead and rip up my opinions and views, but please do not get personal.