You might think it does, but it kind of doesn't. Let me explain.
What it
does prove is that for 90% of people the sensitivity deviation is pretty small - from about 56-60Hz for that sample of people in the trial, and I have little doubt that it's representative of the wider population.
The thing is, that trial wasn't measuring the speed of the entire human visual system, it was simply a strobing light that measured the speed of the opsin cycle - essentially measuring the rate at which enzymes in your eye's photoreceptors rebuild the protein that was broken down when a photon hit it. Since enzyme reactions are pure chemistry that runs at a fixed rate based on molecular physics rather than biological differences between individuals, the relatively tight grouping from 56-60Hz is pretty much expected.
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So a strobing test captures the "refresh rate" of a chemical reaction that is near-identical for everyone - minor differences might exist based on variances in cell composition person-to-person, but what's being tested is the recovery time from flashes.
In a non-flashing image, such as a gaming monitor, the way the retina works means all receptors
aren't sychronously 'blinded' by a flash for a fixed 17-21ms duration of the opsin cycle. Those discs containing the rhodopsin contain multiple (thousands, millions?) of proteins that all get hit by photons at a roughly constant rate determined by the brightness of what is being focused on that particular part of the retina, but more importantly this constant stream of photons, rather than a synchronised flash means that all of the opsin cycles
can get out-of-sync, so at no point are all the photoreceptors in your retina totally blinded by a flash for ~20ms or so. When your retina is processing a non-flashing image and all of the opsin cycles are allowed to get out-of-sync, the effective response time of your eye at a chemical level is effectively zero again. Then the real part of human vision kicks in, which is the neural processing done in the visual cortex - this is where differences in refresh rate sensitivity lie and unfortunately the visual cortex is poorly understood by current medicine and science.
I don't know how much scientific knowledge you have of the human visual system, but honestly Wikipedia is really solid on this subject, and well worth a deeper dive if you're interested: