I still don't see how that works. Mr Jensen steps onto stage, says "AI" and money magically appears? Why? How? What's the point of all this?
Things like new cars or phones are at least feeding an illusion that you're benefiting from them somehow (even though you're really not), so the common Joe will want it. But why would the common Joe want AI? Sure, there's no feature, but there's no illusion, either. Just buzzwords and thin air.
"Why" isn't the useful question.
"How" is simple. As Jensen says "AI", their stock price goes up, which NVidia (and other companies related to AI) can sell to extract money from the investors who are now buying the stock.
That's all there is to it. The more the stock goes up, the happier the owners are. And they've noticed that so so so many investors are throwing money at this idea.
Just buzzwords and thin air.
Metaverse. Web3. Web2 for that matter, lol. XML. IBM Cell Supercomputer. Watson. Google Reader. Theranos. MoviePass. WeWork.
These companies have been extracting investor wealth since... well... since PT Barnum at least ("The Greatest Showman"). I mean hell, during the great "age of sail", there was a famous company that started up to fund a fake country. Whatever sounds new, exciting and possibly a lucrative investment will get a ton of investor money. Even if it has no chance of working out. That's how you get 20+ years of investors throwing money at Keely Engines or other such falsehoods.
The important tidbit is to sit back and relax. You can't control other people's money no matter how hard you try anyway. Maybe warn your friends / people you care about against wasting money on the worst of ideas but that's roughly the most you can do in these circumstances.