personaly the 3800 series suck. they lack in texture units vertex shaders etc. compared to the 8800gt's. 3870's is like a 4 cycinder enigine thats modified. compared to a 8800gt with v8 engine. higher clock on those cards mean nothing. thats jsut my 2 cents
That post reminds me of "focus group members" like "Rollo" or one of his many incarnations.
For those that don't know, "nVidia focus group members" are viral marketers that haunt hardware forums. In practice, they target pro ATi posts or threads and attempt to demean ATi hardware while pimping nVidia. Their official line of BS is smoke and mirrors. Some of the more constructive ones also create posts that paint nVidia gear in a positive light. They receive free hardware from nVidia to "test" for their trouble. Most of them have many multiple forum identities that support one another.
The AEG corporation site that used to be up claimed their services were to "Manage online communities" and "Create positive buzz". They also used phrases like "Strategic seeding [of] viral assets to ensure they are spread far and wide". The site has been pulled.
The current official spin attempts to paint viral marketing as only beta feedback correlating.
This old thread was the first I heard of it:
red is the color of prosperity and good fortune in some cultures. In many ancient cultures it also belonged to the God of war.