yes, both software are reporting the same temperature indication problems, which means there is some kind of problem with the sensor itself or the data it sends, but there is no way to play a whole game for 30 minutes, switch to other process (2D clocks), switch back and see a temp that is 20-30 degrees higher than it was the entire game and then only to switch again and see the temps go back the way they were, did anyone experience any of these funny temperature behaviour ?
upgrading the watercooling system beyond what it currently is, is a waste of money, water has a limit and improving it is small difference at best, if im going to invest in cooling beyond what I already have, im gonna go xtreme, which I won't unless it was worth.
now that I have checked the entire system, it now operates at full performance, which leads me to believe that the temperature is 65 C maximum and no higher, because that is the first temperature that is reported before a process switch occurs, and it is also the only one that makes sense (at 85+ C there is gpu throttling, which does not occur, otherwise would be visible in-game) in whitch case you think the cooling is good ? I have tried to use the DMM thermometer on the waterblock but it wouldn't be accurate cause it's too far away from the actual chip.
I think that if I can't get reliable temperature information there is no way to know what the problem is, or whether or not there is a problem at all, except the gpu throttling, which so far I never seen. my only indication is your temp, if your temp is 78 C with stock cooling and no voltmod at 25 C room temp, and we know that water cooling limits the difference between highest and lowest temperature (water load-idle < air load-idle), assuming a 35 C room temp would put it about 88 C, using water cooling it reduces that max temp at load to about half of that (as far as I can remember since I had the stock cooling), assuming 44 C, add voltmod get +10 C which puts it about 54 C, but still if anyone could comment on temperatures of 3870 with waterblock and room temp could provide for a more accurate indication of the estimate.
about the 1000 mhz stable, it's possible that either room temp (although I do have 2x80 mm fans on the card at bottom) or I have the earlier design with the resistor problems they had at production (I bought it very early, the same day it was available actually) or like with CPU I just have a low overclockability problem as with any other chip (not all chips can clock the same) which so far leads me to believe that this is the case