Do DVDs count?
This was the last time I bought a physical copy of an operating system. The OEM disc came with an OptiPlex 380.
The most important CDs I still have are these ones, and stop me if this is too obvious...
Those manuals definitely aren't as thick as some of the ones from PC games and software from the earlier years (and the second one is merely a filthy promotion for PlayOnline and the movie!), but it had them still.
I'm not a physical game collector because I don't particularly mind digital, so the physical games I have are merely those that I've retained over the years, but I'll never get rid of those of this game. They're not particularly valuable monetarily, so that's not why I'll always holding onto them (in fact, I was considering buying a second copy for redundancy precisely because they're not expensive right now), but the game means the world to me and it's the original one I owned (the first copy I ever played was sort of long term borrowed from a friend's sibling so this isn't it).
I've tried to keep it in good condition and there's not really any scratches on the discs, compared to most of my other games I had at the time which eventually got fairly scratched. Since I'm the second owner, the first owner either never played it much and/or kept it in good condition. Remember those discs with brushes to clean the console lens, and the instructions for cleaning discs to wipe gently from the center out towards the edge? Yeah, I originally thought you were supposed to wipe in a circular pattern (similar to how you would expect them to be read) and learned later that was wrong.