Wish I had a spot to put all my boxed PC games. Wish I also still had a lot of the ones from the 90s that my brother destroyed.....(Warcraft, Warcraft 2, Black & White, Diablo and the list goes on). I'm not in the mood to dig all my boxed games out and then put them all away. I've got two boxes filled with PC games, here is a picture of one of them and a shot of some jewel cases of a few games that don't have boxes anymore.
The discs for Age of Empires 3, if I remember correctly those came with a GPU purchase, but I can't remember which GPU. Maybe it was a GTX 280 I had? I doubt it was a GTX 570, but I just don't remember anymore.
I've got another box this size filled with about as many PC games as this one, except there are some large box games in there like Diablo 2, Darkstone, Half-Life and a couple others.
I'd really love to get a nice bookshelf to display all my games, but the wife doesn't want just random games filled on a bookshelf. So she stacks a bunch books that she's read on the shelves instead.....pffff, women.