RDS Fiberlink Romania
50Mbit Upload/50Mbit Download
No Down/Up cap
Real world usage
Web pages:
On same continent @ ~5 Mbyte/sec
On other continent @ 3,2 Mbyte/sec
Average 6,8 Mbytes/sec
Good days 9,2 Mbytes/sec
Rare/Best:~12 Mbyte/sec (that's about 96Mbit)
The speeds above 50Mbit are generated by local traffic. Much of the country is covered by optic fiber internet leading literally right to the doorstep (
FTTH). Local speed is regulated by traffic intensity and/or ISP equipment limitations rather than artificially.
In case you're wondering, we have such high quallity & cheap internet because:
1. Competition is fierce here. We have 4 major internet providers + dozens of others that also have a solid slice of the market.
2. Compact urban areas are relatively close one to the other.
3. Favorable location (close to a major european internet artery).
4. The no. of internet users grew 840+% in the 2000-2008 period stimulating the creation of a new modern infrastructure.
Here's another test from a different Romanian ISP. This is the result from a friend of mine:
2Mbit Up/Down (international)
100Mbit Up/Down (country)
No caps, Wired
These are both average home connections here not university/corporate/work/etc.