I run on Wifi but not a Wifi dongle or card, i run a dedicated wire from my PC to an ASUS RT-N1-3U which is used as a repeater, and that is connected to the downstairs BSkyB router which is the Sky SR102 route.
My results... meh..
What matters to me is latency and packet loss, as long as no one is downloading or streaming online video it's impeccable for a wireless connection and never has any packet loss, it has been measured and benchmarked too.
A video of me playing a game that requires a near perfect connection
My ping to VALVE CS servers can depend on where it connects me, far europe can go as high as 70ms but with zero packet loss, nearer can be as low at 30ms.
There are no UK Valve CS servers. Community server, once i only had 7ms ping and it was UK based.
Steam downloads i peak at 1.9 MB/s and Origin and Uplay go above 20 MB/s, actual downstream is just under 20.