Another small little update for you guys, some goodies this time, big thanks goes out to hyper X team for supporting me with these goodies.
So memory and SSD wise going into this build we have the 256gb Hyper X predator M2 SSD drive, this is standalone rather than with pcie adaptor, the good thing is the MSI X99 Xpower AC contains a M2 turbo slot, which should theoretically provide much higher speeds with this drive than the actual pcie adaptor and I cannot wait to see it in action. The memory is a Predator - 16GB Kit* (4x4GB) - DDR4 3000MHz CL15 Intel XMP and finally the 2X SSD’s are HyperX 256GB versions.
Due to the motherboards layout of the M2 slot I am going to have to cover the current logo on the Predator M2 SSD otherwise it will look upside down in case, a Minor thing, but if I can see it, then it simply will not do.
Both the SSD’s will be covered, too and again, maybe you will see them maybe you will not, but it still matters to me, if I know it is there it is not good enough.
MMM memory and some bitspower boxes, could only mean one thing.
OMG 1 hour later (yep it took that long as one side of the spreader was stuck to stick almost like it was cemented there, I had to be so careful with this, heating up spreader with hair drier why feeling modules temp to make sure both did not get to hot, lift up a small piece then reheat again.
Bitspower spreaders ready to be attached, so as normal had to do some cutting with the heat pads.
Finally we are there, now these will be put under some memory Waterblocks so they wont be visible in build, but as it’s a dedication build to F1 and lasts years F1 champion and constructor champions, I thought I would just add something, again maybe not visible when built, but I will know its there.
Now why I was attaching bitspower items, I thought I better get the GPU blocks on the 2 Nvidia 980 GTX cards.
As I showed in the pictures before, I went with the Gold style block and the white backplate.
This was the original design, but I did decide to change one thing for the GPU backplate that will be sitting on top.
How about some Heat reactive material for the Nvidia claw I love the way it reacts to heat now before I move any further at this point I need to check some clearances in the rig so lets get these cards and motherboard in and work out the layout.
Ha ha ha that moment you realise the GPU will not be able to fit in the top slot oops, ok time for a quick rearrangement.
Now that’s better, now let’s see how it hooks up in the case
That’s better, gone a bit over the top with the Primochill raceways, but it’s just a test at the moment, let’s throw some connectors on there
Just messing about checking connection options, waiting for the gpu multilink to turn up so I might as well move onto another piece to do before continuing on.
So a big thanks goes out to the guys over at Primochill for the couple of custom plates I have received the first one is to cover the PSU mount, I’ll show the second one once I get onto it, for now though I need to do some cutting to the case, time to whip out the dremel and one of my smaller used cutting disks that’s worn to a small size.
Scary moment taking a Dremel to this case, but it needs to be done as I need whole in this area to allow the rad inlet and outlet pass through the case to be routed around the back of it.
This is the mock up plate in place (what the radiator will be mounted too, although raised above), just have to work out tube placement when the pass through connectors get here, this is a tight case to work with from the beginning but I am attempting to keep the tubing inside despite the two small pipes that will come out of the rad into the pass through connections.
That’s all for today but will be back soon with more updates as I try to get this ready for insomnia 55 to be in exhibition area.