I keep saying it and i'm gonna keep saying it: These "top tier" card's should cost no more $300 - $350

It is not 2004 anymore, NO MORE OVER PRICED GFX CARD'S! :shadedshu :shadedshu I'd be
REALLY surprised if these card's cost Nvidia/ATi more than $100/ea to produce, even then i think i'm being generous in that guesstimate
Well...their logic is pretty sound.
Yup! Capitalism at it's finest, and they are commies!

American companies should take note of Nvidia's business model/practice's
If they did release a victory driver with gains in excess of say 25% or soo boost in performance, then by all means, I would buy one.
But right now, as it stands, the price is too high for the HD 7970 regardless.
There is no way that they can gain 25% from a driver, maybe 10% or 15% if lucky.
BOTH card's are overpriced but can you blame them? There are more tool's out there willing to pay top $$$ than there are smart shopper's. They know how "everyone" love's that epeen and they make 'em pay for it!
I agree Nvidia have done some dodgy things.
What I meant was, the average customer have heard of Nvidia - They are seen to be the best in the noob community. ATI is seen as second best or second class. 9/10 if a customer is left to their down devices they'll buy a PC with an Nvidia 560ti than ATI 7970. Ask them why? They'll say Nvidia is better *shrugs*
Nvidia has always been shady, at least as long as i can remember, but that's just them. They are smart businessmen, for sure, they make/release a product that is inferior to what they claim is "coming" but perform's *just* better than the competition and price it accordingly all the while every review headline's that Nvidia has the fastest single GPU card and the fantrollios eat it up and scream "I TOLD YOU SO" and the n00bs are all like "zOMGwtFBBQ!!! i need it n4o!!"

Plus Nvidia does a LOT of marketing, A LOT, so brand recognition is easily made and that = sale's. Very smart business men running that co.
If you guy's are happy to pay $500+ for a GFX card and $450+ for a MOBO go right ahead i'll be

at you all the way to the bank when i go to collect my dividend's on the $$$ i lent you to pay for those over priced piece's of "tech" that will be outdated in 3 month's anyways
Sorry bta and anyone else not interested in my cynical ranting