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Radeon X800 Voltmods



Is it true the x800xt bioses work better for flashed x800pro vivo to xtpe vidoe cards?


I still do pencil mods
Aug 17, 2004
2,272 (0.30/day)
Unregistered said:
Is it true the x800xt bioses work better for flashed x800pro vivo to xtpe vidoe cards?

not in every case ... some cards will oc higher using just the modded pro 16pipe BIOS... often is the case that a pro vivo needs to use an XT BIOS only because it can not handle the higher XT PE clocks without a vmod... this doesn't mean one can not take a XT PE BIOS and edit it to enable the pro vivo to use the XT PE BIOS at lower clock speeds ... there are differences between the two just as there is with different OEMs BIOS... from memory timings to fans speeds ... I use an ATI BIOS on a Sapphire card ... I wouldn't state it to be true ... ;)


New Member
Dec 31, 2004
15 (0.00/day)
there is no difference
i compared them using rabbit and only frequencies are different
all X800 Vivo and XT/XT PE are the same concerning timings so there is no point in using one bios or another exept the name of the card (XT Platinium ed. is just cool ^^)and unlock pipes
Sep 21, 2005
32 (0.00/day)
I need some informational help. Through a neighbors son who is in college in Norfolk,Va. I have found someone that has done vmodding on a gpu card before and is willing to do one for me.
What I need to know is specifically i need to have done to my card. I have the Sapphire X800Pro flashed to a XT. The core only clocks to 510.75 and the memory clocks to 570.86. What I would like is for the card to run at PE levels is that 520/520?
I don't know what to do at this point I am just pretty happy to have found someone that can do this work.
Let me include his reply e mail to my friend That may help understand better why I am asking for this help.
"Yea, i wouldn't mind doing it, however, make sure he realizes it will
void his warrenty. Also, I can't be held responsable if anything happens
to it. But it shouldnt be a problem, If you get it, i can do it over
some weekend. As far as paying me, it doesnt have to be much, really
just enough to cover parts (variable resistors, wire, etc.). Pretty
cheap stuff usually. Also find out exactly which voltmods he wants
done. on mine, i did the VDD (Core Voltage), VDIMM (Memory Voltage), and
VDDQ (Memory Voltage Tolerance or something like that). There is one
other which i didnt do on mine and that is IGPU (Core Current), which
from what i hear can be dangerous to mess with but if you use it right
can really increase the overclock.But yea, just lemme know what he wants
done and get me the card and i'll be glad to do it. shouldnt take too
long either. Well, i'm off to class. later"

That was his reply to my friend so not should I just include the vmod article and ask him to increase the voltage and ask him to do the vcore vmod?
I know I tend to write long posts but I really need some help. If I could just be specific in what I want this person to do he will do it and I should have a faster card.
Is there a danger that if my 4 new pipes could be defective that this vmod wouldn't help?


I still do pencil mods
Aug 17, 2004
2,272 (0.30/day)
pierrick30 said:
there is no difference
i compared them using rabbit and only frequencies are different
all X800 Vivo and XT/XT PE are the same concerning timings so there is no point in using one bios or another exept the name of the card (XT Platinium ed. is just cool ^^)and unlock pipes

The differences in x800 AGP bios are confined to clock speeds, ASIC ID, fan speeds, TVO or
VIVO, VGA/DVI or DVI/DVI IO, etc. The memory timings you can see with RaBit (RaBit.sys not
loaded) or ATItool are all the same in x800 AGP bios images but there are other latencies you
can not see and change.

RaBit.sys provides the real time hook to the current card in the computer. When loaded it causes
RaBit to show you the current running cards bios memory timings, even if you have "Real Time"
unchecked and not the bios memory timings of the file you are looking at.

ViperJohn said:
The BbATI x800XT-PE AGP bios P/N 113-A26105-102 dated 06/09/04
allows 3 - 15mhz higher memory OC (average is about 6mhz) on almost all cards it is used on
than any other x800 AGP bios even though it has the same visible memory timings as other x800
AGP bios images. It is also the fastest bios in the benchmarks as well clock for clock.


I still do pencil mods
Aug 17, 2004
2,272 (0.30/day)
Cally said:
I need some informational help. Through a neighbors son who is in college in Norfolk,Va. I have found someone that has done vmodding on a gpu card before and is willing to do one for me.
What I need to know is specifically i need to have done to my card. I have the Sapphire X800Pro flashed to a XT. The core only clocks to 510.75 and the memory clocks to 570.86. What I would like is for the card to run at PE levels is that 520/520?
I don't know what to do at this point I am just pretty happy to have found someone that can do this work.
Let me include his reply e mail to my friend That may help understand better why I am asking for this help.
"Yea, i wouldn't mind doing it, however, make sure he realizes it will
void his warrenty. Also, I can't be held responsable if anything happens
to it. But it shouldnt be a problem, If you get it, i can do it over
some weekend. As far as paying me, it doesnt have to be much, really
just enough to cover parts (variable resistors, wire, etc.). Pretty
cheap stuff usually. Also find out exactly which voltmods he wants
done. on mine, i did the VDD (Core Voltage), VDIMM (Memory Voltage), and
VDDQ (Memory Voltage Tolerance or something like that). There is one
other which i didnt do on mine and that is IGPU (Core Current), which
from what i hear can be dangerous to mess with but if you use it right
can really increase the overclock.But yea, just lemme know what he wants
done and get me the card and i'll be glad to do it. shouldnt take too
long either. Well, i'm off to class. later"

That was his reply to my friend so not should I just include the vmod article and ask him to increase the voltage and ask him to do the vcore vmod?
I know I tend to write long posts but I really need some help. If I could just be specific in what I want this person to do he will do it and I should have a faster card.
Is there a danger that if my 4 new pipes could be defective that this vmod wouldn't help?

If you had bad pipes you'd know it ... weak pipes can show artifacts at higher speeds ... but doing the vmods has no effect on the pipes per say ... you can still flash back... if you're still using stock cooling then go by the recommendations at the beginning of the article. I'd have him IMO do the vcore which of course will increase the core clock to PE speeds(520/560) and the VDD doesn't do much unless you do the VDDQ as well ... so those three vmods are what you are looking for to get PE speeds .... there's no need to do the IGPU unless you are ocing to the max ..
Sep 21, 2005
32 (0.00/day)
Urlyin said:
If you had bad pipes you'd know it ... weak pipes can show artifacts at higher speeds ... but doing the vmods has no effect on the pipes per say ... you can still flash back... if you're still using stock cooling then go by the recommendations at the beginning of the article. I'd have him IMO do the vcore which of course will increase the core clock to PE speeds(520/560) and the VDD doesn't do much unless you do the VDDQ as well ... so those three vmods are what you are looking for to get PE speeds .... there's no need to do the IGPU unless you are ocing to the max ..

I tried to play games with the PE flashed bios and they would crash. Doom 3 would freeze and show a screen full of spiked artifacts. I think that was because the core wouldn't run over 510? When I flashed the XT bios the card ran all the games fine with 16 pipes. I am not quite sure other than this if my pipes are bad or not. I guess your saying wether it is a XT or PE bios the card wouldn't have ran at all if the 16 pipes were bad? I did get 16 from the flash and I could boot to Windows. I could also play older games like Icewind Dale without a problem. What problems should I have looked for to know the pipes were bad?
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New Member
Dec 31, 2004
15 (0.00/day)
my experience is without the Vcore vmod the x800 pro vivo cannot go higher than 510
i heard simiar things from ppl on various message boards
so its normal that flashing with the XT PE bios without any vmod crash the computer
u should first check frequencies before flashing anyway thats a very basic security procedure
u could have end up with a crashed computer :the card wouldnt have run at all from startup
Sep 21, 2005
32 (0.00/day)
pierrick30 said:
my experience is without the Vcore vmod the x800 pro vivo cannot go higher than 510
i heard simiar things from ppl on various message boards
so its normal that flashing with the XT PE bios without any vmod crash the computer
u should first check frequencies before flashing anyway thats a very basic security procedure
u could have end up with a crashed computer :the card wouldnt have run at all from startup

Yes I did jump the gun there a bit. I tend to get nervous about doing these things and mess up a bit. It was only after the crashing and reflashing that I checked the core/mem speeds and found out that the core wouldn't run over 510.


New Member
Jul 19, 2005
4 (0.00/day)
ok volt mod done on core and mem only

Mem 2.25
Core 1.65

Core 630Mhz (425)
Mem 580Mhz (400)

I want more!!

X800SE btw


5317 IN 3DMARK 05
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Hi guys

I did the The voltmod for the core a couple of weeks ago i have it at 1.7 on water 615 580 but i didnt do the GPU Over Current Protection Vmod should i do it?


New Member
May 19, 2005
6 (0.00/day)
hi, if i want do only vmod for 1.45 v wich paramters do i use ?

tha can i change in a permanent mode the fan speed of stock cooler ? for example for set at 100% with no ati tool o riva turner ?


New Member
Sep 21, 2005
44 (0.01/day)
So, a 15k ohm drop = .04->.06v

So, if we want a very small increase (.06v or so); just pencil one of the resistors?

Sorry, I'm kind've super-new to vmodding, and I don't want to accidentally fry the card by pencil modding all of them when I'm not supposed to or something ^_^


Oh, and another question...
Which category do the GTO2s fall under =| (Mod article wise...)
Again, thanks.


New Member
Aug 25, 2005
46 (0.01/day)
Woodbridge, VA
Does anyone know how to volt mod an x800xt AIW??? Obviously it's not for me. LOL


I still do pencil mods
Aug 17, 2004
2,272 (0.30/day)
nicepun said:
Does anyone know how to volt mod an x800xt AIW??? Obviously it's not for me. LOL

Nicepun .. have you compared the Two Vmod articles pics of the back of the cards with the AIW? Any pics of the back of the card?


New Member
Aug 25, 2005
46 (0.01/day)
Woodbridge, VA
Urlyin said:
Nicepun .. have you compared the Two Vmod articles pics of the back of the cards with the AIW? Any pics of the back of the card?

Let me try to get a pic of the card from my friend and post it on here or something.:rockout:

Edit: Nevermind, dude not interested on vmodding it no more. Thanks ya'll!!!
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New Member
Nov 17, 2005
1 (0.00/day)
hi , how i can check my video card core and memory voltages in my x800 pro AGP , there is any program to chek and modify the voltages , or is a feature in new mb or only for pci-e , i want to make the pencil mod or enable the 16 pips , i buy this card the first day of release in june last year i can overclock stable 580 / 580 , i get about 6000 in 3d mark http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm05=946054 is worth to open the 16 pips and the pencil mode


I still do pencil mods
Aug 17, 2004
2,272 (0.30/day)
maylat said:
hi , how i can check my video card core and memory voltages in my x800 pro AGP , there is any program to chek and modify the voltages , or is a feature in new mb or only for pci-e , i want to make the pencil mod or enable the 16 pips , i buy this card the first day of release in june last year i can overclock stable 580 / 580 , i get about 6000 in 3d mark http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm05=946054 is worth to open the 16 pips and the pencil mode

Maylat .. it has to be a PRO VIVO to flash to 16pipes and not every core oc's the same but it can be worth it to do the volt mods... no software that displays voltage to my knowledge


New Member
Nov 18, 2005
8 (0.00/day)
I've just done the pencil mod for VGPU on resistor 1596. The original was 1.39v and now it's at 1.48-1.49v.

I want to run up to 560 core. Cooling is Arctic Silencer 4 load temps 60 something.

Is this safe enough or should I drop it a little?

Edit: Dropped it to 1.47 to be safe. Working at 530 core. A new record for this card. :D

Could someone post an image showing how much tape you used? Does it matter much?
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New Member
Aug 16, 2005
21 (0.00/day)
Tape is just for touch protection. I didnt use tape at all as I wont touch the resistor.
My temp max is 57.9 core, under max OC, that is 561/600, and I also run that Arctic Silencer.
I also allways stay 20mhz under where artifacts shows their ugly faces..
Remeber that cooling gets better after you used it for a while, and it has to do with the stuff you use, it will "grow in".
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Dec 14, 2005
1,765 (0.25/day)
Calverton, New York
System Name Current rig
Processor i9-9900k
Motherboard Z390 Aorus Xtreme
Cooling Corsair h150i Pro
Memory 32GB Ripjaws V 3200
Video Card(s) Asus 2090 ti Strix
Storage Samsung 970 Pro 1tb
Display(s) Alienware aw3418dw
Case Thermaltake View 91
Power Supply seasonic 1kw
You are crazy doing that shit when it's plugged in...
Mar 20, 2006
26 (0.00/day)
Will this mod work for the PCI-E version or should i use the Radeon X800 Non-Pro/X800 XL/X850 Voltmods

I have a Asus X800XT by the way :p



I still do pencil mods
Aug 17, 2004
2,272 (0.30/day)
skandal said:
Will this mod work for the PCI-E version or should i use the Radeon X800 Non-Pro/X800 XL/X850 Voltmods

I have a Asus X800XT by the way :p

skandal ... you need to verify your PCB layout and match the ic's but I would thing you need to look at the X800 Non-Pro/X800 XL/X850 Voltmods...