And some HD5970 4GB Black Edition Limited pics. A while back someone requested more PCB pics.
My guess: AMD had a really good look at this PCB when designing the HD6990. They are almost identical. Same screw holes as well, you might even be able to use a HD6990 waterblock on the HD5970BEL.
One of the key differences is the use of vapor champers for the GPUs on the 6990. XFX still used heatpipe coolers for the 5970BEL which is part of the reason for the incredible noise this thing makes.
"Fun" fact: The master GPU of this card was only recognized with x4 speeds suddenly. I had some work to do.
The card got a new master GPU, PLX chip reball and some new SMD components.

The whole time, the fault was this little broken capactitor... I resoldered all of them and this one came apart when I did so. No idea how that even happens, from one day to the next.
Now it's x16 again and works perfectly.
And this little snippet I found in the German PCGH magazine about these cards.