Unfortunately i found that upping the voltage has little effect on increasing the GPU frequency, since for 950MHz, which is another 20MHz beyond what i could do before, i need no less than 1,25V to attain stable operation. At this level the cooling fan is beginning to sound like a vacuum cleaner (not that with stock voltage was much quieter to begin with).
I have found however that my Sapphire Radeon HD 6970 does very well if i mod the bios with the 6950 voltage table. The card still runs perfectly at 880MHz/1500Mhz (930Mhz/1500MHz with stock 1,175V). Even if i lose all overclocking headroom, the video card becomes almost whisper silent, even in really heavy games like Metro 2033. The GPU temperature drops to just 85°C, from ~91°C with default voltage, not much improvement but enough to ensure a very quiet operation.
At the very least reducing the GPU voltage allows for a truly great power/performance ratio, while reducing noise considerably. Also this might be a great mod for those who intend to use the 6970 in crossfire, even if it comes at the expense of losing the already marginal overclocking headroom.
This time AMD wanted so much to beat the GTX 570 that they simply pushed the 6970 too far, going beyond the possibilities of the otherwise pretty good vapor chamber cooler. The 6970 is simply too hot and power hungry, and PowerTune cannot save it from that fact. AMD already overclocked the Radeon 6970 from factory; there is little point in going any further, unless you have one of those full cover waterblocks mounted.
Anyway, many thanks to the developer
BAGZZlash for this very useful tool.