which method are you gonna use to break in the red dot?
I'm think'n of picking up a temp gun, I don't really care if people think it's a waste... no such thing a a useless tool
I was think'n of runn'n 30% only but the picco is gonna suck back the fuel so that could be killer. Really gonna need that second fuel tank now Gotta look closer into fuels, I think the new recipies with the synthetic lubricants could have some serious benifits, even with the higher prices. I'm gonna do everything I can to make the picco last alot longer ... shoot'n for 2 months
so how fast do ya think your revo's gonna go? Thinkk the red dot will last longer than the 3.3?
did ya check out that web site? I havn't had a chance to go back. The flames on the tmaxx looked pretty good