Anyone adamant enough to follow any gaming news should recall Google opening its own gaming studios with HUGE promises. Events, including those of the competition, since that announcement has seen Google shutdown its development studios and kick about 150 employees to the curb.
Google is getting out of the game-making business after it announced the closure of Stadia’s Montreal and Los Angeles studios.
Google Stadia claimed it was changing its business focus in the same breath.
Google Stadia, the late 2019 streaming platform that promised to revolutionize gaming by letting users stream games without needing to own a powerful PC or console, is altering course, getting out of the game-making business and will now offer its platform directly to game publishers alongside...
Part of that re-focus was because Stadia never did meet its subscription target. The claim dates back to 2H 2020. Recent news articles on business/corporate news focused sites are the source for the actual rumors that Google end Stadia as we know it.
As Game Pass continues to grow, Google could be set to scrap Stadia
Assuming Google never did meet its goals since, it puts the Stadia service in a very desperate position, what it will do exactly is unknown but it is an inevitable change, maybe copying other streaming platforms or become partners with other services. Whatever Google does, will likely fail, such history repeats too often with Google.
Menawhile, ... Sony's Playstation Now service is in a similar dire circumstances and is also looking at restructuring and might be combining its PS services into a single one.
Rumors are so much fun. What if...
IMO Stadia was doomed from the start so it comes as no surprised and many of us here on TPU shared the prediction that this was bound to, and was actually going to happen with time. That time has come folks.