Utility is built with .Net 4.5 and uses only
power management functions from Win API to do the job.
No reboot required after you apply changes.
- Column "hidden" in main grid gets and sets the visibility of settings in the dialog with advanced power settings.
- Values can be edited in second grid (no need to unhide them and go to Windows` power plan advanced settings dialog).
- Double click on the main grid opens regedit and navigates it to the key for that setting in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerSettings\SubGroupGuid" - but you need to launch utility as Administrator for that.
- Double click on second grid on the column with schemes brings the dialog with advances settings with this scheme selected.
- Export and Import of settings through buttons at the bottom.
- Column "active" in second grid gets and sets currently active power scheme.
- Pressing <Ctrl>+<F> in the main grid shows search toolbar with edit field for search pattern, buttons for searching of next, previous occurrence of pattern, button for hiding of search toolbar; search is performed only in cells of "current" column; search is case insensitive; search is performed with use of regular expressions (
Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference), so pattern can be either simple word/part of word/phrase or regular expression.