Phone keyboard?
I used to use the Ryzen balanced and 1usmus plans but round about spring 2020 I found the Windows Balanced plan to be surprisingly near-indistinguishable from those two in benchmarks, but also clocking higher in effective clock in-game leading to a smoother experience. For me, once the other two plans caught up, 1usmus plan was all show and no go.
Been seeing more coverage of the Patriot 4400/19 and G.skill 4000/16 kits. Maybe when I get my Vermeer I'll test the waters with my old quasi-Bdie Samsung E to get a feel for whether the performance uplift can be achieved without running into the Bdie 50°C wall.
@Nordic you dont have DOCP on. With it off, Auto SOC is 1.025. Give it 1.1V. Try 60ohms procODT and make sure Geardown is on. Right now, your VDDGs make no sense bc theyre derived from SOC. Them being higher than SOC doesn't work. VDDP shouldn't need to be past 1.0V.