for 2 years i am experiencing problem with 5900x.
i was using 3700x and msi b450 tomahawk combo, then i upgraded to 5900x. i updated bios for 5000 series and tried new cpu but i had black screen problems when gaming or benchmarking. black screen means, i lost monitor signal and monitor goes to sleep, no case button works so i had to reboot by shutting down psu and wait for 10 seconds, than reboot again etc.
that time cpu and bios were new so many people had lots of problem and there were so many different ideas for these black screens. i tried most of them and finally found a solution. raising nb/soc voltage in offset mode by 0.05 solved all of my problem. i never saw black screen again, till gpu upgrade.
last month i changed my gpu (6950xt from 6800xt), that was not a radical upgrade so i didnt changed anything on system, just replace gpu and boot again. when i trying to benchmark gpu, just black screen came again. i thought maybe my bios is out of date and i should upgrade it. so i upgraded bios, tried again but nothing changed. then i changed gpu and tried old stable one, but black screen problem was there again. i tried old nb/soc voltage method but it doesnt help either. so after new bios my system wasnt stable even with old hardware.
so i tried to understand what's going on and read a lot of stuff about this common black screen issue. tried lots of things and only turning of pbo and using cpu at 3700 mhz solved problem. then i tried eco pbo modes and eco mode 45 and 65 w modes were stable. even eco mode 95w causing black screen.
now i changed my gpu again to 7900xtx and using it with 5900x and 65w eco mode. with these settings i have no black screen issue but i want to solve this problem without reducing my system power.
to solve this firstly i should understand what's the core of this problem. i guess it's a bios and voltage issue when i am using eco mode all my other hardware seem stabil even with extreme overclock. but when i extremely downclock ram and gpu, cpu isnt stable if turn off eco mode. my psu is platinum 1200 watt. i have nzxt kraken for water cooling and cpu temps rarely exceed 50 degree so this is not about temps or power.
i should find a new voltage setting for this specific system or i should change mobo. but i dont want to change just my mobo if i upgrade i should change it all, (7000 series cpu, ddr 5 etc) so just uprading mobo is useless for 5900x cpu.
i havent read all the pages of this 200 paged topic cause i cant but maybe a soul in this zen garden had same or similar problem and solution. or i will continue to use this system in eco mode for ever.