wow this might be one of the best Stalker threads on teh internet.
anyway i love this game, big fan. thought i'd post this brand new graphics mod, just came out a few days ago. i like it because it doesn't take anything away from the look of the original game, it simply builds on it. plus i always thought Stalker was too brightly lit, this darkens it a bit. i liken it to what the Cinematic Mod Version 4 did for HL2. the game just looks better overall imo while keeping its original character
here is a link to the original mod with posts:;90487
mod with a lighting bug fix
youtube video of the mod in action:
screens of said mod. but honestly the lighting and shadows really doesn't come though in the screens, but you get the idea.
also motion blur is fairly extreme with this mod but you can change the variable in the gamedata folder or w/e for any setting. i have motion blur very low bcuz i don't like it