Great review W1Z, I wish I had time to read it this morning, but had to work early...
I've been interested behind all the hype I've heard of this card, so many gtx 2xx vs hd48xx threads and bickers, this card was supposed to quelm it all, with the supreme conquering of all cards. While it's impressive, I'm also dissapointed...but I know power and speed come at a price..not only cash, but size, heat, power consumption. I'm interested to see what happens when side-band is enabled, whether or not it will truly give a performance boost or is a technology implemented a generation or two too early, and something that may only be used later on after this card fades in the sunset.
Good job ATI for making the king-kong graphics card for 2008! Those who've been waiting for it I'm sure will be happy and content with the performance, even 1GB 1GPU performance was pretty good, kinda interesting a 4870 512mb tended to be faster by a tad tho, but that's probably due to having the interface chip and other designs for dual gpu that aren't as efficient for single gpu mode? Who knows, even at that, still good performance.
I can see the bench hounds the world round going crazy lol! Hope this card treats all of you well that decided to I'll be fine with my GTX260, sure it's not as fast as the X2, but it doesn't need to be for what I do, but it's also not as-far behind as some had claimed either...but as with every new product, future drivers and support can still change the game!
Again, great job W1Z on the review, ATI, good job, a tad sloppy imo, but it got the job done, and as long as there aren't mass failures and driver bugs, it'll be a true winner that is sure to drop in price within a couple month's time! Good to see ATI on top of the heap, even if it took 2 GPU's at this point...and even tho I'm using NV cards atm. This is what the market needed, gotta have the coin flip for go well for the other guy every once in a while, get the competition stirring a little more. It's not quite as uber as many hoped, but it's not a total loss either, it came, it still conquered (mostly), and I'm sure has more to offer later on!