What a horribly biased review! First of, the author commends Nvidia's Maxwell architecture...except that's a horrible performer in the 750 Ti and AMD's much older architecture cards run circles around Nvidias's latest and greatest it at it's price point. I mean AMD utterly destroy the Maxwell 750 Ti. The only thing Maxwell has going is a few watts less power usage, which frankly, who cares. Enthusiast gamers that buy $200+ cards care about FPS and value. Power consumption should be only a minor concern as long as it's within reason. Unless you are building an ITX system or something, obviously a tiny minority. Personally i will take a higher watts, more powerful, card every day of the week.
Also he compares it to the "3 year old 7970"...but yeah that card was $450. again Nvidia introduced it's Maxwell architecture with a card that is MUCH slower than it's ancient Fermi based parts, and much slower than Tonga. Was he bitching then? I doubt it. So why whine at AMD for doing the same thing?
To get 7970 performance for $249 is not bad, and more to the point this is old news, both AMD and Nvidia have been pretty stagnant on the performance front and doing lots of brandishing for a while now.
I'll quote Toms hardware for a much less biased review:
This is not a situation that we expected to see. Based on the specifications alone, we thought that the Radeon R9 285 would fall behind the Radeon R9 280 when it comes to average game performance. In actual benchmarks it comes very close, sometimes beating and sometimes losing to the Radeon R9 280 by a small amount, and slightly besting its predecessor on average. This indicates that AMD's new lossless color compression scheme is effective enough to compensate for the raw memory bandwidth deficit that the 256-bit Radeon R9 285 suffers compared to the 384-bit Radeon R9 280. That alone is an impressive technical accomplishment.
From the perspective of a gamer, the Radeon R9 285 isn't quite as impressive when compared to the Radeon R9 280 it will replace. Sure, performance-per-watt has improved significantly, and it's nice to have access to new features such as TrueAudio, a revamped 4K-compatible UVD/VCE, and bridgeless CrossFire. But the most important metric to a gamer is FPS-per-dollar, and this doesn't change much vs. the Radeon R9 280.
Having said that, the Radeon R9 285 is a wonderful option at $250 and probably represents the best product a gamer can buy for that price, just as the Radeon R9 280 did. I certainly wouldn't recommend that current Radeon R9 280 owners upgrade to the Radeon R9 285, as there wouldn't be a noticeable performance improvement. But for folks coming from entry-level graphics cards, the Radeon R9 285 is an excellent upgrade choice and delivers true high-detail 1080p gaming.
And more:
We'd also like to address the GeForce GTX 760's position on our average performance chart. Seeing the 760 sit just below the Radeon R9 270X wasn't something we expected, and this situation caused us to re-run the majority of benchmarks and cross-reference them with other tests we've taken. The results were consistent, though, and we believe this situation is the result of a combination of factors including some newer game titles such as Thief (that favor the GCN architecture), mixed with some high-detail settings that don't sit well with the GeForce GTX 760's 192 GB/s of memory bandwidth (bandwidth that doesn't benefit from lossless color compression). We wouldn't count out the GeForce GTX 760, a card that uses even less power than the Radeon R9 285, but we're beginning to wonder if it's time to re-assess its position over a wider range of benchmarks.
So Nvidia is behind, and they're falling further behind. as the 760 is now falling behind the
Then the Author goes on to include this unasked for advertisement for Nvidia in the review conclusion:
Right now, you can find GTX 770 cards discounted to an amazing $275, and these cards are significantly faster, quieter, and more power efficient.
Well no, actually on newegg the GTX 770 goes for 309+, generally actually $329 and up. Unless you want "Zotac" or open box. I am not sure where the Author is finding these 770 deals but rest assured whatever podunk shady retailer laden with mail in rebates you'll never get, he found them at, AMD has probably get them beat. To compare a $249 MSRP card with a year old $329 street price card? Real fair. I bet the Tonga price will fall a lot too after it's been out a bit, especially as long as the 770 has been.
At least as good a buy as the 770, is the R9 280X, according to TechPower up itself is only a little slower than the 770 (106% vs 114%), much cheaper (newegg street at ~$280 vs $329), and has 3GB RAM vs 2GB, which is a big deal imo, as 2GB is on the verge of limiting. Nvidia has been shorting customers on RAM for years, ask all the owners of 1.5 or 1.2 GB 580 and 570, where AMD was already at 2GB with the 6970...ask which owner of those cards is feeling more future proof right now. Or my brother, who paid $650 for Geforce 780 with...a whopping 3GB RAM, the same amount that has been in AMD's $250 cards for years. He's thinking of getting a 4k monitor and well, got the old Nvidia RAM shaft as his GPU is fine but that RAM could be a future problem. Nice $650 spent with Nvidia for a possible future 4k paperweight cause they wanted a couple $ more profit. Personally I wouldn't buy a 2GB card for more than $250. And, I do fault AMD a little bit for only 2GB in the 285, but, it's only a $249 card so kind of understandable. Nothing like what Nvidia has been doing the last few years where their $600+ cards skimp on RAM.
Basically I dont see the 770 as any great deal, looks lie it slots in about right. Somewhat faster (but not much) than 285 at a significantly higher price, both have only 2GB RAM. A little faster than 280X, more expensive, less RAM. Cheaper than 290, slower, half the RAM. So it slots in about right between all those cards, which I have to admit is pretty rare for an Nvidia card to actually give fair value against AMD, so maybe that's why the Author was so amazed? I dont care about noise (aftermarket coolers are quiet) or power consumption (they are all fine).
And I left out the R9 280. It's to the point of being significantly slower than 770, according to Tom's summary the 770 is about 19% faster than the R9 280, so it may not be a comparable product for some, but it's MUCH cheaper (street price as little as $210) and has 3GB of RAM vs 770's two, which I already made my feeling clear about the extreme importance of. PERSONALLY I would take the extra 1GB of future proofing RAM over the 19% performance even if they were straight up the same price, let alone the 280 being $120 cheaper. Personally the 280 is probably the best deal of any of these mentioned cards IMO. Plus you get Star Citizen and Alien Isolation free, which is an AMAZING game bundle imo, but I do admit this could vary per user, some may not care about these games, although I'd venture objectively it's far better than what games Nvidia gives currently. Nvidia appears to be giving Borderlands the pre-sequel, which at least for me is not very exciting (very poor graphics as well as it's based PS3/360) but again, this could vary by user and at least it's not an old game. But for me there's zero contest.