Well... many, if not most, of us at TPU that use windows do not fall into that 99%, sorry.
Though qubit could have worded it differently... say for example instead of... "For years Apple Mac users have felt smug that their computers..." He could put "For years many Apple Mac users have felt smug that their computers..."
moose has a fair point.
and pantherx12 as well, If Mac or Linux computers were as widespread as Windows PCs, then there'd probably be just as many hackers, etc, using those systems or attacking those systems.
The more you have, the more likely someone will want some of it (or mess with it in some way)
Regardless, thanks for the info qubit, Mac users should appreciate the heads up. Many Mac users may be used to software simply being safe to use on their OS, so seeing this may at least teach them to have some caution with 3rd party apps and such.
You misunderstood my point. I was referring to the "However, that hardly sounds like a challenge does it, given the general lack of basic technical skills and security knowledge of ordinary computer users?".
The problem I have with this is that it really portrays a stereotype that isn't true. I'm sure if you did a scientific calculation of the percentage or number of PC users (not just those on TPU!) that "lack basic technicals skills and security knowledge" it would be just as high, if not higher than Mac users. Since there is absolutely no scientific data the author can cite (unless I missed it), he is injecting his opinion as if it were fact.
I think you typified the smugness perfectly.
Exhibiting or feeling great or offensive satisfaction with oneself or with one's situation; self-righteously complacent
I was in no way being "smug", but maybe you just didn't know what the word meant.
if you think of yourself as one of the 'more (technically) skilled' mac users, than perhaps its just lame to compare yourself to the average user of the opposing team. just take the challenge and compete to the 'more (technically) skilled' windows users and see if thats gonna work out...

otherwise its just a stupid meaningless phrase.
good fight, good night!
I do consider myself a "more (technically) skilled" Mac user. I spent years (mid 90's-mid 2000's) on the DealMac forums helping others and learning from others. There were a large number of other Mac users there that I would say were experts or advanced users. Just because they aren't here on TPU doesn't mean they don't exist. As I said before, I was originally objecting to the fact that the author was trying to portray Mac users as those who "lack basic technicals skills and security knowledge".
Yes, there ARE some Mac users who can make nearly every member of this forum look like technical idiots...but they're extremely rare.
And there ARE Mac users who are much more technically literate and knowledgeable than the average 'just works' Mac user... but they're very uncommon and much smaller in number than PC 'enthusiasts'.
And there ARE Windows PC users who are just as much technical morons as the average Mac users that are made fun of on forums like this... and they're just as common as the uninformed Mac users. Some of them even sign up for membership here and ask silly questions. Just as their Mac counterparts do on Mac forums.
Ok, but you are making those "numbers" up and that's based on your opinion, not fact. You haven't cited any statistical data proving your argument, just as the original author of the "article" hasn't.
I can say that I know both Windows and Mac users and even the less tech savvy ask me to install an antivirus on their Windows PCs. On the other hand, most Mac users always reply they don't need antivirus software.
I'm not going to argue with you about this. I have my opinion, you have yours, and the facts speak for themselves.
I for one would like to see a coalition of Hackers get together and do nothing but harass & infect MAC users....
Just for the LuLzzz...
From the looks of it, this would be just as good of a place to start as any!
Well to be honest, qubit is right. I have used macs since 1998 and the "Apple community" has changed quite a bit over the years. It went from arrogance to out right ignorance. There are exceptions to all harsh generalizations so timta2 might be an exception despite the wild claim to be possessing "more technical experience than 99% of the Windows PC users". Just how would you quantify your technical experience to be that level?
There are a lot of us out there and I agree with you that some "harsh generalizations" are made about Apple users in general, some similar to the unfair ones about PC users which we know aren't true either!
Apple user since 1983, Commodore user since 1985, Mac user since 1986, DOS user since 1986, and Windows user since 1992. But maybe you weren't asking me specifically
In all fairness, Sophos Mac AV is completely free for home use. So the motivation is quite nil except for mindshare. Virus' can hit Mac's, they can hit anything that reads out code. But every Month I service 400+ Mac's, maybe more, for the last 10 years and I have never, ever seen a virus on a Mac unless I put it there. People always say they have one but in the end it is something completely different. But no-one should start a fight with their guard down. Mac users are like Apollo Creed in Rocky IV. Drago is around the corner.
This is a recent development. Until recently (a year ago or so) they were charging a premium price. I do applaud them for this but they aren't doing this purely to be nice and there are business motivations behind it. Just like a lot of the free Windows AV, it's only a matter of time until the nags are implemented and the functionality is reduced unless you buy the premium version.
also, the mac OS is based more-so on BSD. of which, i remember a hack fest no so long ago, to which apples os came in last, over windows and linux.
That required direct machine access and use of social engineering to work. If I could actually find something in "the wild" I could as easily install it onto my Mac sitting here. Just as easily as you could install malware on your PC sitting there.
I thought it was best to read the forum guidelines before I responded to you. I took particular exception to the sentence I have quoted, as I felt it was an attempt to belittle others.
In order to comply with the rules, I must not say anything at all. I should not flame or insult you, or continually use bad language whist I describe you. Sadly I am unable to both stick within the rules, and quantify your smugness or resemblance to genitalia.
Nope, that was a complete misunderstanding on YOUR part. I was defending the group that was being "belittled". As for the rest of your statement, stay classy. I've read the rules many times over and feel that I in no way violated them. I'm free to state my opinion here just as you have, and I live in the United States Of America, where we have this thing called the First Amendment to the United States Constitution
Thanks for the laugh.
You have just re affirmed that some mac uses are very arrogant. Not all use some.
I was going to use a figure like 99% but I know that is not true.
So since this is a E-Penis contest how do you measure up?
Who really cares what OS you run or how technical you are?
If your an arrogant asshole you can run BeOS, Free BSD or what ever you want it still makes you a arrogant asshole.
BTW linux unix and even MAC is has virus and mal ware out there. Its rare. I Have gotten malware for linux a few times, all it did was use all my ram or used all my processor. A quick kernel upgrade and its fixed.
I don't think I'm arrogant, as you would probably agree if you knew me in really life, but you are entitled to your opinion. My "E-Penis" measurements are above.
Snobby user above!!!
The funny thing is with you SNOBBY ASS USERS. you can fix any PROBLEM with a mac VIRTUALLY using GOOGLE, and following STEP BY STEP GUIDES MADE BY THE PRO'S(or INFORMED).
Second of all, that 1% of Windows PC users' IS STILL BIGGER THEN YOUR ENTIRE MAC CROWD so GTFO. Number's still exceed your IMAGINARY numbers.
You could not even talk about the same technical issue's some of us Windows Users understand EVERYDAY. You could not even prove it.
There is just no argument there, experience and longevity and customer base just rape any of your speculations.
Were mac's not made in Steve Job's mind for simplicity and the fact that the USER was not a computer SAVVY person? Tell me i'm wrong.
Nice personal attack from a fellow longtime TPU user. I hope you feel better about yourself.
Oh, and take a look at my specs, I'm a Windows user, just like you.
Since it sounds like you are challenging me, what are these "technical issue's some of us Windows Users understand EVERYDAY", so that I could prove it? Do you see me posting "Please help me with my computer" on the forums here on TPU?
I wasn't speculating on anything, I was just saying that not all mac users "lack basic technicals skills and security knowledge".
Apple created the Mac OS to offer a great user experience, not an OS for people who are stupid and need an easy to use computer. You were mostly right.