It's been a slow weekend playing with the server. On Thursday, I couldn't get anything done because of New Year's (which I am fine with). On Friday, I slept in due to how late I stayed up, and then had surprise visitors. Didn't get any work done that day, since I was busy keeping the visitor's kids out of the room. On Saturday, I finally got to throw in the HP NC524SFP NIC (along with its memory module). Once they were attached to the SPI board, I fired up the server and checked to see if the 16TB drive cage and ~1TB Virtual Flash Resource Pool showed up in ESXi - that of which they did
FYI, just about every time I add new hardware to the DL580 G7, I check for those two things - because they tend to act as immediate indicators for whether something is wrong, strangely enough. That's when no other problem indicators are present (which there rarely ever are). vCentre has thrown an occasional warning, but nothing of consequence from what I've seen thus far.
After that, I spent most of last night changing my AD and DNS settings, to prepare for adding my first devices to AD. That went on until close to midnight, and is still not quite done yet. Today, I replaced the SolarFlare SFN5322F with an HPE 641255-001 (PCIe ioDuo MLC I/O Accelerator) - a gutsy move with how the server can be with adding new hardware. At first, only 2/4 SAS HDDs showed up in ESXi. After a reboot, and letting the server warm up for a bit, all storage devices and new components showed up. So far, so good!
However, due to how slow testing has been, I had to put off testing the
Tesla K80's and DERAPID PCE-AX200T wireless NIC. If I can get the DERAPID PCE-AX200T working, the Linux VM is definitely going to run an
FRRouting instance. Still need to figure out the vCenter startup time issue. At least I can start the 10GbE transition soon...