That sick man ! You made me cry .. . .

but what about temperature ? I've reached all full load @ 50° after lots of hours of prime95 on air
I'll tune to archive at least 4.4 :/ This is inadmissible that my chip is so weak and need 1.45+ to get at 4.4....
btw , I've got some team group ram are soo lucky, and I have payed just like a cheap supper (37€) . . I can get 3200 @ 14 16 16 1.45v ,, but i prefer 2400 @ 12 12 12 1.35v .. quick tips : don't pay other to overclock your ram , do it yourself and save a lot !
unfortunately I dont have bench of my old platform 1090t @ 3.8 , I have only on cinebench ... and that very weak ... for me a good upgrade.!