I've got a few old GPUs. I love working with them but I'll pick just one for now. THE one that gave me a big headache.
An HD4850X2:
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This is the old monster. I got it from a seller with the aftermarket coolers but in the original box. I bought it as working and it was working fine, but I replaced the TIMs and put the coolers back on -> it refused to show picture.
After re-seating the card it suddenly worked well, until I got to the driver install where it rebooted and suddenly only had a blackscreen again.
I got so upset that I put it away for a few months and just now digged it back up, because this thread reminded me.
So I plugged it in and gave it another try, this time it started but with horrible artifacts...
I found out, it has a broken trace or solder joint somewhere as it came from the previous owner with a horribly bend pcb. I had to screw in these coolers extremly tight to make the pcb bend the exact same way again and guess what, its working now.
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Only HWmonitor is very confused about this card:
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Liquid temp? Excuse me? Does this have a wireless temperature sensor to measure my coffe-cup?!
Anyway, this is by far the most sketchy card in working condition that I own and run. I decided I'll keep it on my legacy 2D-Benchtable where I bench some older CPUs. Just to keep it busy, since it is clinging to life so hard.
EDIT: Die shot