It's UE3, how incompetent does WB have to be to not be able to get multi gpu working? They managed it before, and that game engine is not exactly new. What an embarrassment.
The coding probably isn't the issue. The way in which they used/wrote the codes with the UE3 engine is probably not the issue, or the big "x-factor" as to why they can't get CrossfireX or SLI working. It could have come down to a decision, at the lead developer's level to say hey, with SLI/CrossfireX, there isn't going to be gains in FPS greater than 5 or 10%. So why even bother implementing it. There is absolutely no point in having 100% multi-gpu support for any PC game if there's no greater gains in performance. It's just not practical for the field, and there's no point paying AMD or NVidia royalties to use codes for multi-gpu utilization. This doesn't mean you can't use SLI or CrossfireX to run the game. It won't be multi-gpu bug free or optimized for multi-gpu setups. So you run the risk of crashing the game or the driver, or experience the fluidity of the game being choppy, or witness memory corruption on the GPUs' Framebuffer, or objects blinking in the game during the rendering, or the average fps just being completely horrid. AMD and NVidia aren't going to come out with profiles or optimized drivers for this Batman PC Game on the multi-gpu side of the bigger picture.
To me, it's probably a similar issue like the recent release of Call of Duty, but CoD isn't suffering from any major problems as Batman. It's probably just your typical PC Game that has a lot of high level poly-models, purty 4k textures, and all the razzle dazzle particles effect. The GPU can only render so much, and SLI/CrossfireX isn't going to push the performance any better because theirs a lot of other things that aren't being rendered by the GPU. So the CPU has to play catchup. Eye Candies are being rendered by the CPU, and these things can't be rendered by the GPU. If the GPU could render everything, and this putty-cat mean everything, life as a PC enthusiast would be heaven because your FPS would probably stay or exceed the average 60 fps reality-like settings. It's not heaven, so no, it's not going to happen. So performance is crap unless you OC your CPU past 4.0 Ghz. CPU needs more muscle, and a lot of Consumers don't have phat-pockets to go out and purchase a new i7 6950x on the fly, put an EK waterblock with a decent rad on it, OC that bad-boy past 4.4GHz, and enjoy the eye-candy on Ultra Settings. So the average consumer cry that the game is performing horribly bad. Multi-gpu performance isn't helping because I enabled it in the client. There are dual GPUs or two single GPUs in my case, and my FPS isn't hitting high numbers. This probably describes the current situation with a small degree of error, but who is actually calculating standard deviations... 2 Sigmas ftw.
Most likely, it isn't UE's fault. I don't believe it's an error on the coding. If it is, then the twinky-loving, ugg-wearing programmers working under WB or whoever, is making everyone look bad... Must have gotten UE certified at a Chinese sweat-shop?
Wow what a crock. Game released>game re-released>patched>still broken. Glad I never spent money on this one. Whatever happened to releasing a quality game? The cash grabs publishers pull on people is crazy.
This has been pretty par practice for PC Gaming Development for the past 3 to 6 years... Announce a game, get a team to develop it, push that hype by advertising it, say it's blessed by AMD or Intel or NVidia, mention who producing it and what they produced in the past, and release it. On their end, they will watch it fill their pockets while its get full, have their A-team or B-team tech support/programmers to fix it or just let it burn. Remember that developers get their money from the vendors, and they are under contract to sell it at a certain price. The vendors in turn get their money from the consumers and make a little profit off of it. If business projections show that the vendor are going to exceed their supply in a short time, the vendors reorder more, or the problem could be fixed just by digital downloading the products for big bucks and eliminate the limited supply aspect of the scenario.