About aiming which is horrible with a PS controller for me. So yes I know what i have agreed but still what I said stands. Aiming with an analog PS controller is horrible even if it is Uncharted. Switching on aiming aids is no fun either.
I'm glad you have your point but you don't get mine. I couldn't play the game because aiming for me with a PS controller was not any way fun nor accurate. Glad you have your points but I'd rather talk about mine if you don't mind? That's why I have joined the conversation. There are a lot of games on a PC and you don't use analog pad so what's your point?
I just need to use analog because that's the way it is? Well, as a matter of fact I can choose what I want and will stay with a PC with FPS games. I didn't bash anyone I said i prefer KBM instead controller because aiming for me is horrible and you can't compare analog to KBM because accuracy and response is way better on KBM. Now you talk about preference but when I mentioned KBM for me you got somehow offended?
I didn't know what "git gud" means and who is using it and why thanks for clarification. Anyway it is not fair to call somebody douche-bro when that person is not agreeing with you.
It's not about difficulty but a matter of preference. If you find PS analog controller better for aiming then fine. I don't. Mouse and keyboard please since for me it's way more accurate.
read what I'm writing FFS. I did very explicitly not call
you a douche-bro, I said that "git gud" is something PCMR douche-bros say to other people when they (the others, that is) complain. The joke (which obviously fell completely flat) was that if
I were a PCMR douche-bro the response rather than talking to you would be to say "git gud" and nothing else. Your reading comprehension needs serious work if you thought that was directed at you.
As for the rest, I never said you needed to use a controller at all, I just said that your outright dismissal of controllers at all based on what you yourself call one five-minute experience with one is a poor decision; I wouldn't try to convince you to use a controller in a competitive FPS, but there are plenty of other games where it's a far superior solution to kbm.
So let's discuss your point:
Agree. I've played one game a shooter. I don't remember what it's called but I played for 5 min and without a mouse and a keyboard it's unplayable for me.
Okay, you had a bad experience. Not much time at all to try to get used to something (I bet it took you a lot more than five minutes to figure out mouse aim the first time!), but sure.
If I were to get PS5 or XBOX, i would still need a pc to play First person shooter games. If you could connect a mouse and a keyboard to either PS5 or XBOX I would have been OK.
Again: controllers are not ideal for this type of game. Not by a long shot. But that apparently doesn't get in the way of the rather large group of professional console gamers in games like CoD, so apparently they aren't
horrible either - it just depends on what you're used to. I would never accept anything other than kbm being
better, but dismissing it outright after five minutes is premature at best. I also entirely agree with having a PC for mouse-dominant games (I could never play most RPGs on a console, ugh), but as I also clarified above: my main response was directed towards the person you said you agreed with, who was saying aiming in Uncharted sucked and therefore controllers sucked, to which I said movement in the game (a third-person action-adventure) would suck
far more if you were using a keyboard. I guess it was dumb of me to group the two of you together like that seeing how you were saying different things, but that was also part of the point: that you were "agreeing" with each other while talking about entirely different things.