Any 4X fans here?
I've been playing a lot of Star Ruler 2, trying to learn Distant Worlds: Universe on the side and looking into the future...both are pretty damn good. DW:U has a lot of shit going on...but feels more like a living, breathing galaxy than a war generator. Star Ruler 2 feels more like an RTS in space, with some expansion. Not that it's a bad thing...because it works very well. I suck at designing custom ships. And I wish DW:U had 3D graphics! But it holds its own well for being sprite-based. Both have dedicated followings and mod support, and I'm happy to have both in my collection. I feel Star Ruler 2 is one of the best indie RTS/strategy/4X games I've ever had the chance to try...and can be quite fun. I set the spacebar to be pause and all is well.
But I'm torn...there's a lot of interesting ones coming soon...the new MOO got announced, and Polaris Sector comes out in a couple weeks, Stellaris should be out soon as well, among a whole bunch of others
I am kind of hinging to see how these all perform! But I'm also interested to see if someone brings something different to the table that will make me lose sleep, play 10 more minutes, one more turn, etc.
SR2 and DW:U haven't hooked me that heavily yet...granted maybe because I'm keeping them at arm's distance...but right now I've but Homworld down in favor of those two. I honestly would like to see more ground involvement...something that takes what I hoped Planetary Annihilation was going to do, something that Star Wars: Empire at War did with mixed ground and space operations, I just want more depth...but accessible.. I remember playing Caesar III back in the day, and taking the time to learn how to manage and build my society to prosper so that I could build a greater army in their support...I ask too much and am not capable of better describing let alone even attempting to create my vision lol!
There are some games that focus more on planet colonization, but lack at war/combat. But the nice thing is, like Space Sims... Space 4X is back with a vengance...and is pushing hard with AAA and indie titles cropping up left and is a matter of time before "the one" comes out.
What ones have you tried? I realize SotS and MOO2 are big hits with their supporters...I have both. The new MOO is real-time, but the reviews are a mixed bag being early access and all...I can wait.