It's surprising how much difference that can make to the overall page load responsiveness, so yeah, go for it. The other reasons are sound too, of course.
Take my case for example. I'm still stuck on crappy old ADSL as they won't install fibre round my area. On Annex A, my speed was 20.5Mbps down and about 0.8Mbps up - these are actual download and upload speeds, not sync speeds and they're excellent for ADSL since I live close to the exchange.
I then needed what little extra boost I could get on the upload, so I'm paying extra for
Annex M (minor rip-off). This lowered my download speed to 19.2, but increased my upload to around 1.7-2.0 as it's supposed to. Sure, my uploads are now twice as fast and is a useful difference, but what I didn't expect was to notice how much snappier web browsing now was! This is because my ping had dropped from about 40ms to 10-15ms and was quite the unexpected benefit, but the test result is repeatable time after time. I won't be going back to Annex A...
The ping drop, sounds like "fast path" to me. The "interleaved" mode, will make it more like 40 ms. But even with my BEC 7402TM router coding gain raised to "7", the best I got was 15 Mb download and 0.71 Mb upload. Pretty much the only con with my ADSL setup, was that HD video uploading, took forever. The download and upload speeds, I give here, are the actual ADSL download and upload speeds.
I guess I should have asked for another ADSL router to test. But that was before November 26, 2013, when I got FTTH!
VTel, advertised the maximum possible download speed of 24 Mb, but I never even saw any test hit the 20 Mb mark, even when I was right in downtown of Springfield, Vermont. You would be lucky to get 15 Mb, IMX.
The BEC 7402TM router, (at least the ones I tried) has a habit of playing dumb at default, I usually get only 10.4 Mb down or similar. Before the major tweaking I started in the forth-quarter of 2011, IIRC, when I still had ADSL, I usually would be lucky to get 11.2 Mb down. With the coding gain set to "7", no lick of instability. It never lost sync, TMK. I only lost sync when there was a problem on the ISP-end.
And on VTel ADSL, the annex settings, (at least whether it was annex A or annex M) seemed to make no difference. In fact, the router had what was a possible quirk, where if I don't select the "auto-fallback" mode, it would fail to sync, every time!
So, I was glad to get VTel FTTH for the first time on November 26, 2013.
230 Mbps = around 28 MB/s, so we're maxxing out your line
Looks right for the usual Comcast plan, since 2016. That was like my Comcast plan in Bellows Falls, Vermont, because I couldn't get VTel FTTH in BF.

I was there from June 12, 2016 to February 24, 2018. But by sometime in January, 2018, it got downgraded to 120 Mb without anyone in my family telling me. That was before the closure of the current house, which was on January 29, 2018, IIHC.
So, when I had Comcast in BF, it was 230-300 Mb (maybe 400 Mb?) down and 11 Mb up then it suddenly was downgraded by sometime in January, 2018 to 120 Mb down and 6 Mb up.