1680 x 1050 original res, runs 40-60 FPS on my system with full motion blur. Amazing
Crysis - Running my high end graphics mod (1.1) and custom time of day mods (I'll specify which use CCC 2.21 time of day + my graphics mod, the ones unspecified are my time of day) unless otherwise specified.
Crysis Warhead - Running my high end graphics mod (1.1) unless otherwise specified.
Crysis Wars - Running my high end graphics mod, except for the ones specified (limited since those aren't my server).
CCC 2.21 ToD + my high end graphics mod v1.1
CCC 2.21 ToD + my high end graphics mod v1.1
CCC 2.21 ToD + my high end graphics mod v1.1
CCC 2.21 ToD + my high end graphics mod v1.1
CCC 2.21 ToD + my ultra high end graphics mod v1.0
CCC 2.21 ToD + my high end graphics mod v1.1
CCC 2.21 ToD + my high end graphics mod v1.1
CCC 2.21 ToD + my high end graphics mod v1.1, also my favorite screenshot
Some Warhead shots now with my high end graphics mod v1.1.
The next three photos are part of a comparison test. One is gamer settings (high), one is enthusiast (very high), and one is my high end graphics mod v1.1.
More comparisons, just like before, however there is no guessing involved here.
Huh? How can this be?
My favorite Warhead shot.
This one looks effin real.
Next two are using my ultra high end graphics mod (1.0).
Crysis Wars:
We all know the GTX 260 CORE 216 beats the HD 4870, but here is some more proof.
Next two shots are proof that I am the greatest sniper ever. Bullet lag was 2-2.5 seconds, I didn't even use the Gauss rifle. He was running full speed (on armor mode though). It took three tries. First shot missed, second hit him in the torso, third is right below this screenshot.
Server admins - don't mess with aliens, they crash servers. This doesn't stop me from spawning them though.
VTOL Surfing!