Why do I care? I think every person that is not simply browsing the web and watching kitten pictures should care about his privacy.
I mean there were so many scandals with arrests in different countries for just sending some memes to friends.. Government is watching what do people send to each other, they watch after every step and it's quite annoying.
I'm not saying you shouldn't care. I think we collectively don't care enough about privacy as it is.
But. Personally I do fancy being effective at what I do. And worrying about privacy in an online world where you purposely put stuff in mass-surveilled networks and then expect it to remain a secret, is just not going to work.
The bottom line is, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Blanket statements about 'muh privacy and gov surveillance' are not going to get you anywhere. Its a simple case of either/or. Either you choose to invest major time and effort into a truly secure solution that is often very user unfriendly, or you choose to be part of the masses and rely on security through obscurity. As in: there is so much data, the relevance of your personal data is extremely low, you'll take your chances.
Considering we need to take our chances every day (in traffic, in life, etc.), its really not that bad. I think the real problem here is trust. I've said it before: even the client/messenger you use is fundamentally a trust issue. Do you trust your government (or rather: the people who work there, because its not a single minded entity) and the checks and balances that exist in law to protect you, or not?
You need to answer those questions to make the right decisions on privacy. My personal view is that we need collective effort to really make a change. And while the current state of privacy for individuals often seems very poor, there IS law in place to protect you from privacy breaches and there are real steps in the right direction in for example the EU, with GDPR. The major issues people experience with privacy is almost exclusively because they
themselves posted all sorts of crap online. Often in public places, too. There is even legislation for thát, the right to be 'forgotten'.
Those are the sorts of changes we need, because privacy only works if it works for everyone, without having to take all sorts of measures to achieve it. That is why privacy still works in the physical letter - its common sense you don't open it and if you do, that's an offense.