I came back to check in and see a few replies. Thanks for the comments...
My move over to linux is a recent decision, I've been playing around with it for about six months now and I'm glad I did the switch. Thought I'd be wise though...and stick to the ubuntu distros for the first year, although...I've been experimenting with the other distros non-stop. Curiousity more than anything, but I wanted to see if I liked any of the other desktop environments better. For now, I'm sticking with Gnome, although on simpler equipment I really like the Xubuntu type distros(I also love LXLE). As I've mentioned in my sig, I'm watching Elementary OS and the Ozon project rather closely...I like how both of those look and probably will end up with one of the two after the first year is up.
Killer_Rubber_Ducky, it's Gnome 3.10. A lot of guys seem to have already moved up to 3.12, I'll wait until 3.14 is stable. To answer your question...I'd stick with Debian Gnome and just upgrade your shell. Isn't there also a new version of Debian out as well? Just update everything.
Aquinus, I wanted to mention that I did try Debian's Gnome Edition and it did seem to run buttery smooth on my pc, even better than Ubuntu Gnome...although, I didn't try it in a multi-monitor set up...I sure did like it. It felt real solid...I was just having too many troubles with my wi-fi to continue using it without doing a little research(aka: learning) how to overcome the problem.
For my terminal...I use this
These USB flash drive installs are a real blessing for easy installs, but they can also be a curse(as is the case with me). When you can download a half dozen different distros and install them on flash drives in under an hour it becomes a curse...you want to try them all.
I'm experimenting with Spatry's new 'Cup of Linux' distro this week.
Liquid Cool
Screenshot from Today...I switch up every couple of weeks.