Just got offered a Samsung Galaxy SII for £25 a month by 3, i know 3 are shit but they have fast 3G and a price that makes me forget how shit they are! I wonder if i can get him to drop the amount of texts and mins and give me a cheaper deal. Thats £600 total on a 24month contract, £600 is a lot id like somewhere closer to £500 so if they can do £20 or 21 ima well take that!
At least by 24months time the Galaxy S2 shouldn't be out of date that much. I still see people on iphone 3G and shit.
@Freedom - Hows the case hunting mate? Oh btw they changed the fans on the 600T to faster better fans so maybe they did that on later 650D models. The Front fan was a problem on the original 600T and now its fine, the white 600T for example all have the new fans.
HEH some people are just assholes for the sake of being an asshole. There is a difference between asking something and saying something. I dont get why people continue to post after an argument is done. BTW there is a report button people can use.
EDIT: Well thats me took a contract on the Sammy SII, got 500mins 5000texts and 1gb of data for £20 a month free handset. Nice as i can just use the wifi in the house if im downloading an app or update. 5000texts is way to much but i can just text a lot to save on mins. The dude on the phone offered 2000mins and 5000texts and all you can eat data for £25 a month but i would rather save the £100 and take less mins.