whats the best workout for a 1hr H.I.I.T?
There's not really such a thing...
High Intensity Interval Training requires maximal effort for limited periods (1-2 minutes). On the bike that would be sprinting at full pelt with a reasonable resistance for about a minute, then taking it easy for 30 seconds or so, rinse and repeat. HIIT is all about reduced training times that is necessitated via the bodies actual energy systems not coping with the load.
It's like running a screaming bench mark on a gpu. You'll run it for 1 clear run with artifacts before you pull it back from voltage doom. The gpu itself will crash on a 2nd or 3rd run. HIIT is like that - you go absolutely full pelt. It's designed to thrash the Phospho-Creatine energy stores and a bit of blood sugar. Any exercise maintained for more than 2-3 minutes cannot be classed (technically) as HIIT type.
what i tend to do is jump on the exercise bike for 20-25mins, completely knacker myself, then jump on the rowing machine for 10-15mins and murder myself then if i havent burnt myself out completely i'll shift to lifting 50kgs on a seated rower or other weight lifting contraptions (lifting arms above heads - still seated...) and if im still not totally munted then i might do some crunches....
I never really make it to doing the crunches sadly.
and i dont take my time and ease myself into it - I totally thrash it otherwise it wouldnt be H.I.I.T
I do zero crunches since that hernia surgery a year ago. I still have a decent flat stomach. Abdominal muscles work all the time, to focus on them is actually a waste. Most of our body fat gets shoved down there, that's why we never notice our inherent structural 6 pack design - we all have 6 packs, they're just obscured by natural fat deposition. Best ab work outs (unless you're a nutter) are generic full body routines. A well stabilised chip up will develop the abs (it's the core muscles that stop you swinging).
As far as an exercise plan - anything that pushes you to near maximal effort for 20 minutes is awesome. Follow that with a full body basic resistance routine (Squats, Chins, Dips, Press Ups - or their machine, free weight equivalents). Depending on goals, you can fly through a circuit work out on that, 3-4 non-stop laps and then finish back on hard cardio for 15 mins to fat burn (because by this time your stored sugars are very low, so you will move to a fat burning energy system).
By all means, feel free to PM me for health and fitness advice (It's been my job for 20 years and I've studied Post Grad Sports Science at University).
And I just bought a 2nd GTX 780ti Classified on Ebay for £295. Let's see if I've been stung