Sorry to hear that you still have problems.
I now remember that I did not flash the bios by just clicking on the EXE file. I did it through CMD.
If I run it directly by clicking on the file, a CMD window opens but nothing happens.
You may try the following. This is what I did.
Open CMD (command prompt) with admin rights.
Then change directory to where the bios is located. I have copied mine to C drive to the folder called: C:\AMD_Radeon_VII_bios_v106_x64
Type the bios name and press enter. For me the bios file is called: AMD_Radeon_VII_BIOS_V106.exe
Below is a screen shot where I executed this file again today in the CMD. For me it gives message "Flash already programmed" as I already have this bios version running.
View attachment 118879
Here is the log file that I saved after I programmed the bios on my Radion VII some weeks ago.
It should show you something like this after successful programming.
Update v1.0
update adapters with BIOS P/N 113-D3600200-106
update adapters with PCI device ID 66AF
update adapters with SSID 081E
update adapters with SVID 1002
Programming adapter number: 0
Flashing adapter at BN=0C DN=00 FN=00 ID=66AF (Dev ID matched)...
Flashing adapter at BN=0C DN=00 FN=00 SSID=081E (SSID matched)...
Flashing adapter at BN=0C DN=00 SVID=0000 (SVID matched)...
Old SSID: 081E
New SSID: 081E
The result of RSA signature verify is PASS.
Old DeviceID: 66AF
New DeviceID: 66AF
Old Product Name: Vega20 A1 XT MOONSHOT D36002 16GB 1000m
New Product Name: Vega20 A1 XT MOONSHOT D36002 16GB 1000m
Old BIOS Version:
New BIOS Version:
Flash type: GD25Q80C
100000/100000h bytes programmed
100000/100000h bytes verified
Restart System To Complete VBIOS Update.
1 adapters updated