WarZ polished? Far from it and not saying DayZ is either but the running in WarZ seems like a mario turtle mix and the movements are kid gamish. Zombies are completely dumb and act like some from stubs the zombie. Yes I know DayZ zombies are not polished as well but calling WarZ polished would be like saying a fat chick doesn't like to eat.
I heard the samething about Arma animations, those were far from the best ever, I can't say WarZ has any worse to be honest. WarZ zombies are also just fine, I'm not sure what you mean by dumb, thats kind of the point of zombies, a low AI level. Either way, thats an extremely vague statement, so I'm going to break down what I feel is the most important aspect of zombies and player interaction between the games.
In DayZ zombies are fast and zig zag (this isn't intentional, they have soldier AI as it is since it's a mod). But they move slow up hills and through buildings. So when I go to sneak into a town to loot. I don't sneak, I sprint, since sprint is infinite (not realistic) I just run through a building with an entrance and an exit and keep moving. This is the best method since it gives you the least chance of also being sniped by a player. There is no need to sneak in this game, and once you master this, really no reason to even be killing zombies.
In WarZ, zombies are slow, but they don't slow through buildings or anything else, and they move faster than you if you aren't sprinting (and you have a sprint bar). They also have a massive aggro radius on sprint. So you actually have to sneak into town, you can't just sprint on through and loose them in a building. You actually have to break LOS with them to lose them, but you are much better off sneaking. And as mentioned, sneaking leaves you much more open to being sniped.
It's much more tense encountering a town on WarZ than it is in DayZ because of this. DayZ I just Rambo'd it and sprinted through town like none of it even mattered. Thats the worst idea in WarZ.
I am not hating on the game as a whole but people saying its the tremendous awesome polished game is alittle far fetched. If they would have taken their time and not used the WarINC engine, I believe it would have been a big contender to DayZ but this as it sits is not good.
No one is saying it's tremendously awesomely polished. He said it is polished in comparison to DayZ. And you are exploding over that making it sound like he meant it's the game of the century.
I'm going to be blunt here Brandon. The last time you posted you said you like DayZ because it's more real, and the only aspect you linked to back that up was bullet drop. I pointed out WarZ has bullet drop as well, and asked you to maybe explain a bit more of what you meant, and you never came back. Now you return saying zombies are dumb (extremely vague), and blow up on one guy and twist his words because he said WarZ is more polished than DayZ. And you list the War Inc engine as being bad, honestly I think it's doing just fine. I remember many complaining (and still do) about the Arma engine as well.
I know you've played a lot of DayZ, but you don't have a ton of information on WarZ, and it shows. I don't see why you are going off on anyone when comparing the two games as these comparisons just seem crazy.
I played some DayZ the other day to get some footage (it felt a bit worse than I remembered it, maybe because I had got use to playing it a lot). And I agree with the guy. DayZ/Arma has always had a clunky/unpolished feel to it. And I hope they can cure that more with the popularity of the DayZ mod bringing them more consumers. Movements are clunky, inventory is clunky, zombies are erratic and have bad mechanics (are they allergic of houses and hills?). It's a great mod, but it feels like a mod, and WarZ feels more like a actual game. Does that means it's extremely tremendously supercalafragalisticly polished? No. But it feels more polished than DayZ, and that makes sense.
I was pretty excited to see someone else who actually said they liked the game in the thread today, figured maybe we would be getting to enough to actually have a discussion about the game between people enjoying it, but that went downhill pretty quickly, lol.